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Communication Works by Gamble and Gamble
Communication Works, 7/e
Teri Kwal Gamble
Michael Gamble

Developing Your Speech: Supporting Your Ideas

Internet Exercises

Developing Your Speech: Supporting Your Ideas

Exercise 1 Subject: Using the all-in-one search site

You are probably already familiar with the basic search engines like,, and But have you experienced All-in-one search is an excellent starting place to find almost any information that you could want.

After you have selected your topic, use the many resources available online at to investigate further.

Did you find All-in-one useful?

Exercise 2 Subject: Ask an online expert

Before the Internet, we had to do personal interviews via telephone or face-to-face. Now, we can do them via email. Go to Yahoo's and locate an expert pertinent to your topic.

How did you meet your expert? Was your expert helpful?

Exercise 3 Subject: Using online reference materials

Can't afford the latest 1045-page college dictionary? Don't worry. The good people at Yahoo have organized the best online reference materials into a user-friendly interface. Go to and browse these materials.

What did you find in Yahoo's directory that was especially useful to you as you prepared for your speech?