Delivering Your Speech: Presenting Your Ideas Exercise 1 Subject: Dealing with communication anxiety Toastmasters International has been providing speaking tips for approximately
60 years. Their website offers a Top Ten list of suggestions - all of which
will help you reduce your communication anxiety. Visit
and read their "speaking tips" segment. Does knowing that everyone who speaks before an audience has communication
anxiety help you feel more at ease? Exercise 2 Subject: Examining a speech online If your Internet connection can accommodate video feeds, go to
Evaluate the delivery style of President George W. Bush. Using the information
that you have gained from your textbook, what does our President do well and
what does he do poorly? Hint: Enter "Bush and speech and video" into the search
engine Exercise 3 Subject: Practice your delivery with impromptu speechmaking This final exercise is on the honor system. Go to your web-browser, and enter
random key-words (e.g.,,, When you encounter
the information coming up on the new page, time yourself. You have one (1) full
minute to read and think about what you are going to speak about. Next, stand up in front of the computer and give an impromptu speech for the
next two minutes. Don't worry too much about making sense, at first. Focus on
your delivery. Are your hand gestures appropriate? How is your posture? Are
you using vocal variations to your advantage? |