culturally confused | a lack of understanding of cultural difference
intercultural communication | interacting with individuals from different cultures
interracial communication | the interpreting and sharing meanings with individuals from different races
interethnic communication | interacting with individuals of different ethnic origins
international communication | communication between persons representing different nations
intracultural communication | interacting with members of the same racial, ethnic group or subculture as yourself
culture | a system of knowledge, beliefs, values, customs, behaviors and artifacts that are acquired, shared & used by members during daily living
co-cultures, or subcultures | groups of persons who differ in some ethnic or sociological way from the parrent culture
ethnocentrism | the tendency to see one's own culture as superior to all others
cultural relativism | the acceptance of other cultural groups as equal in value to one's own
melting pot philosophy | the view that different cultures should be assimilated into the dominant culture
cultural pluralism | adherence to the principle of cultural relativism
individualistic cultures | cultures in which individual goals are stressed
collectivistic cultures | a culture in which group goals are stressed
high-context communication | a tradition-bound communication system which depends on indirectness
low-context communication | a system that encourages directness in communication
high power distance cultures | cultures based on power differences in which subordinates defer to superiors
low power distance cultures | a culture that believes that power should be used when legitimate
virtual neighborhoods or communities | online, surrogate communities