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Communication Works by Gamble and Gamble
Communication Works, 7/e
Teri Kwal Gamble
Michael Gamble

Language and Meaning: Helping Minds Meet


language  a unified system of symbols that permits the sharing of meaning
symbol  that which represents or stands for something else
triangle of meaning  a model that explains the relationship which exists between words, things, & thoughts
denotative meaning  dictionary meaning; the objective or descriptive meaning of a word
connotative meaning  subjective meaning; one's personal meaning for a word
dominant culture  the culture in power; the mainstream culture
co-cultures  a sub-culture; a group of people who have a culture of their own outside of the dominant culture
Sapir-Whorf hypothesis  the belief that the labels we use help shape the way we think, our worldview, and behavior
linguistic determinism  the belief that language influences how we interpret the world
linguistic relativity  the belief that persons who speak different languages perceive the world differently
low-context cultures  cultures in which self- expression is valued & whose members use explicit verbal messages to communicate information directly
high-context cultures  cultures whose members place less reliance on explicit verbal messages and more emphasis on indirectness as a means of preserving harmony
linguistic prejudice  the use of prejudiced language
prejudiced language  language which communicates a negative bias
code words  words that are discriminatory but not literally racist
qualifiers  tentative phrases
tag questions  a question that is midway between an outright statement and a yes-no question
disclaimers  remarks which diminish a statement's importance
gender-lects  Deborah Tannen's term for language differences attributed to gender
bypassing  that which occurs when individuals think they understand each other but actually miss each other's meaning
intensional orientation  preoccupation with labels
extensional orientation  focusing on the world of experience; not blinded by a label
euphemism  the substitution of a pleasant word in place of a less pleasant one
onlinespeak  the protocol of informality that marks electronic communication
netiquette  rules of the Internet
snarl words  words with highly negative connotations
purr words  words with highly positive connotations