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Virtual Vista
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Virtual Vista: Glacier National Park, Montana, USA

The images of this Virtual Vista represent one of the most breathtaking of the United States national parks - Glacier National Park - which straddles the northern border of the United States and Canada (Waterton Glaciers National Park). Digital terrain models of four 7.5-minute quadrangles located in Glacier National Park, Montana, USA were rendered using Geographic Information System software.

The result is a remarkably realistic looking virtual landscape illustrating many of the alpine glacial landforms you studied in class.

<a onClick="'/olcweb/cgi/pluginpop.cgi?it=jpg:: ::/sites/dl/free/0072402466/30425/VirtualVista1201.jpg','popWin', 'width=NaN,height=NaN,resizable,scrollbars');" href="#"><img valign="absmiddle" height="16" width="16" border="0" src="/olcweb/styles/shared/linkicons/image.gif"> (97.0K)</a>


<a onClick="'/olcweb/cgi/pluginpop.cgi?it=jpg:: ::/sites/dl/free/0072402466/30425/VirtualVista1203.jpg','popWin', 'width=NaN,height=NaN,resizable,scrollbars');" href="#"><img valign="absmiddle" height="16" width="16" border="0" src="/olcweb/styles/shared/linkicons/image.gif"> (170.0K)</a>

On the image above, try to identify as many glacial landforms as you can. Some glacial landforms are identified and presented in the image that follows.

<a onClick="'/olcweb/cgi/pluginpop.cgi?it=jpg:: ::/sites/dl/free/0072402466/30425/VirtualVista1202.jpg','popWin', 'width=NaN,height=NaN,resizable,scrollbars');" href="#"><img valign="absmiddle" height="16" width="16" border="0" src="/olcweb/styles/shared/linkicons/image.gif"> (152.0K)</a>

To learn more about Glacier National Park and the geologic processes that shaped its history, visit the National Park Service website for this park.

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