The Art of Critical Reading
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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
The Art of Critical Reading: Brushing Up on Your Reading, Thinking, and Study Skills

Peter Mather, Glendale Community College
Rita McCarthy, Glendale Community College

ISBN: 007241376x
Copyright year: 2005

About the Authors

Dr. Mather earned his B.A. in Government fromthe University of the Redlands, his first M.A. in African Studies from the University of California, Los Angeles, his second M.A. in Reading from California State Univeristy, Los Angeles, and his Ed.D. in Curriculum and Instruction from the University of Southern California. He has taught reading at the secondary, adult-education, and community-college levels for approximately 30 years. While at Glendale Community College, he taught both developmental and critical and evaluative reading. He also taught American government and was the college director of the America Reads/Counts program. In addition to being a coauthor of the first and second editions of Reading and All That Jazz, he has published articles in the Journal of Reading.

Ms. McCarthy earned her B.A. in Sociology and History from the University of California, Berkeley, and her M.A. in Education from Arizona State University. She has taught at the elememtary, secondary, adult-education, and community-college levels for over 20 years. For the past 16 years, she has taught both English as a second language and various other developmental reading classes at Glendale Community College. In addition to being a coauthor of the first and second editions of Reading and All That Jazz, Ms. McCarthy has published articles in professional journals and other media; most of these have been concerned with the use of bibliotherapy. She has also published reading lists for beginning and remedial readers and is a reading specialist.
Art of Critical Reading book cover

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