The Art of Critical Reading
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Student Edition
Instructor Edition
The Art of Critical Reading: Brushing Up on Your Reading, Thinking, and Study Skills

Peter Mather, Glendale Community College
Rita McCarthy, Glendale Community College

ISBN: 007241376x
Copyright year: 2005

Feature Summary

  • Overarching Theme. The theme of art echoes throughout the text and reproductions of major works of art are presented in a full color insert. Carefully selected, provocative selections address a range of art-related topics, such as graffiti, public art, Egyptian artifacts, art theft, and more; the text also includes a complete chapter on art from a popular anthropology textbook.
  • Challenging Questions. Reading selections are accompanied by questions that test and reinforce student learning, as well as questions that prompt student journal writing and discussion. Quotations included in the margins respond in provocative ways to the reading selections and encourage students to reflect on the implications of what they have read.
  • Study Techniques. Coverage of a variety of study techniques--from annotating and summarizing to outlining and mapping--reinforces the basic skills students need to succeed in college.
  • Internet Activities. Internet activities included in the text relate directly to the issues raised in the reading selections; some encourage students to delve more deeply into the lives and work of featured authors.
Art of Critical Reading book cover

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