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Journal Exercise
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We have included the questions that appear below the artworks that open each chapter, the journal prompts from the text's color insert, the “In Your Own Words,” and the “Art of Writing” exercises so that you can submit your answers to your instructor via e-mail, should he or she direct you to do so.

First, type your response in the blank provided here or type your response in a word-processing program and copy and paste it here. Next, edit and proofread your answer carefully. Then click the Submit Answers button at the bottom of the page. On the Results page, insert the requested information and appropriate e-mail addresses and click the E-mail The Results button.

From the textbook: Responding to Art, View and Reflect, In Your Own Words, The Art of Writing

Responding to Art

In the painting The Oath of the Horatii (1784) by Jacques-Louis David, three brothers are swearing an oath to their father to defeat their enemies or die for Rome

What are the brothers receiving from their father?
Compare the postures and attitudes of the men to those of the women. How do the hands of the men and women express their respective attitudes?
What does the woman in black in the background of the painting appear to be doing?
Notice the three arches in the background of the painting. Where else does the artist repeat this theme of a group of three?
What do you think the artist's purpose was in creating this painting?
How does the painting illustrate risk-taking behavior?
What is the dominant color in the male grouping? What might that color represent?

View and Reflect

"Every artist dips his brush into his own soul, and paints his own nature into his pictures." —Henry Ward Beecher

Write a journal entry in which you consider Jacques-Louis David's purpose in painting The Oath of the Horatii (1784).

Written Assignment

In a brief essay, respond to the questions below:

Think about yourself and try to identify your secondary drives. How would you describe them? How do they affect your behavior? Write a paragraph discussing these drives. Give some specific examples. For instance, you have a strong secondary drive to achieve. This motivated you to increase your class load and graduate from college in just three years.

In Your Own Words

What is the main idea of the fable?
What is the significance of the ending of the fable "The Country Mouse and the Town Mouse" (on pages 118-119 of the text)?
Are you more like the country mouse or the town mouse? Why?
Determine which of the following list of proverbs is more likely to express the attitude of the town mouse and which are more likely to express the attitude of the country mouse. Write a few sentences explaining your choice.
"A life lived in fear is a life half-lived."
"Better to be safe than sorry."
"Nothing ventured, nothing gained."
"Variety is the spice of life."
"Acorns were good till bread was found."
What is meant by the last sentence of the fable?
Explain how the intrusion of the revelers and the barking dogs was a threat to the homeostasis of the mice. What do you see as the secondary drives of each mouse? Make reference to the previous article if necessary.

The Art of Writing

In a brief essay, respond to one of the items below:

Are you more like the country mouse or the town mouse (in the fable on pp. 118-119 of the text)? Why?
Explain how the intrusion of the revelers and the barking dogs was a threat to the homeostasis of the mice. What do you see as the secondary drives of each mouse? Make reference to the excerpt from Understanding Psychology, "Motivation and Emotion" (on pages 114-116 of the text).

Art of Writing

In a brief essay, respond to the item below:

Examine one of the paintings that appear at the beginning of each chapter. What do the details of the painting suggest to you? Make your description so clear that your classmates could pick this painting out from among others.

In Your Own Words

Have you ever tried an extreme sport? Do you think the benefits of participating in an extreme sport outweigh the risks? Based on the article, can you identify some common characteristics of those who participate in extreme sports?
Should the law place restrictions on extreme sports? What sorts of restrictions should apply?
Do you think that life is more risky today than it was 50 years ago? In what ways might contemporary life be more risky? In what ways might it be less risky?

The Art of Writing

In a brief essay, respond to the item below:

"Extreme athletes put not only themselves in danger by their activity; rescue workers who rescue extreme skiers from avalanches and medical workers called on to helicopter-lift athletes in trouble out of the rugged terrain are also put at risk."

Is this fair?

OLC Extra! Reflections on Reading and Study Skills

These Reflections on Reading and Study Skills exercises provide an opportunity for you to think about the skills you learned in the textbook. To complete these exercises and e-mail them to your instructor, type your response in the blank provided here or type your response in a word-processing program and copy and paste it here. Next, edit and proofread your answer carefully. Then insert your instructor's e-mail address in the "to" line and hit "send."

How can determining an author's purpose help you organize your own writing?
Consider the four primary modes of writing: narrative, descriptive, expository, and persuasive. How can this knowledge of rhetorical modes help you organize your writing?
Which of the homonyms and other confusing words in this chapter have been challenging for you?
What do you usually do with a test after your instructor returns it to you? After reading the test taking tip in this chapter, what might you do differently?

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