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Matching Exercise - Part I
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Match the study term or technique with the definition. You may use some terms more than once.

An author whose purpose is to__________ will provide readers with knowledge or information. Ordinarily, the material will be presented in an objective, neutral fashion.


Writing done in the __________ explains ideas and how things work. It is more likely to be logical and factual.


We can identify the __________ by asking the question, "Why did the author write this?"


With material written in a(n) __________, the emphasis is on providing details that describe a person, place, or object. The writing may employ the use of figurative language and include material that appeals to one or more of the five senses.


A piece of writing meant to __________ will often make an appeal to the reader's imagination, sense of humor, or emotions. Such writing may be either fiction or nonfiction.


Material written in a(n) __________ tells a story, either true or fictional. In narrative writing, the events of a story are usually ordered by time.


A(n) __________ is an orderly arrangement of ideas going from the general to the specific. This shows the relationship and importance of ideas by using a system of Roman numerals for main headings (I, II, III, etc.), capital letters for the next level of subheadings (A, B, C, etc.), and numbers for the next level of subheadings (1, 2, 3, etc.).


The __________ just like the main idea in paragraphs, expresses the most important point the writer is trying to make.


Material written in a(n) __________ is meant to convince you of something. This kind of writing tends to be about controversial topics. It presents an argument and offers evidence. It is writing that is considered to be biased.


The author's purpose may be to __________. This kind of writing tries to change the reader's opinions by appealing to emotions or intellect.

A)narrative mode
C)general purpose
D)descriptive mode
H)persuasive mode
J)expository mode

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