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Journal Exercise
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We have included the questions that appear below the artworks that open each chapter, the journal prompts from the text's color insert, the “In Your Own Words,” and the “Art of Writing” exercises so that you can submit your answers to your instructor via e-mail, should he or she direct you to do so.

First, type your response in the blank provided here or type your response in a word-processing program and copy and paste it here. Next, edit and proofread your answer carefully. Then click the Submit Answers button at the bottom of the page. On the Results page, insert the requested information and appropriate e-mail addresses and click the E-mail The Results button.

From the textbook: Responding to Art, View and Reflect, In Your Own Words, The Art of Writing

Response to Art (page 218)

Frida Kahlo, who painted The Two Fridas (1939), is known for her highly personal paintings. She often chose to represent her physical pain and the status of her relationship with her husband, muralist Diego Rivera, with symbolic images. The painting on page 218 of the text (and on page 8 of the color insert) is meant to illustrate two contradictory sides of her personality.

How is the Frida on the left dressed? The Frida on the right? What is the difference in posture and in the way she is seated?
Why do you think the Frida on the left has a bleeding heart?
The Frida on the right is holding a locket showing Rivera as a small boy. The Frida on the left is holding a pair of scissors. What might these objects symbolically represent?
The two images of her are divided and yet are also united. In what ways are the two Fridas united?

View and Reflect (color insert page 8)

"I never painted dreams. . . I painted my own reality." —Frida Kahlo

In your journal, consider the sense in which this painting reflects Kahlo's "own reality."

In Your Own Words (page 227)

In the poem, "To Be of Use" by Marge Piercy (page 225-226), what do the references to Greek amphoras and Hopi vases tell us about work?
What is the meaning of the last two lines of the poem?
What does the author mean when she says, "The work of the world is common as mud"?

The Art of Writing (page 227)

In a brief essay, respond to the item below:

What does this poem "To Be of Use" (pages 225-226) say about people and work? Describe a time when you were involved in work that you found very satisfying. When are you willing to do hard work?

In Your Own Words (page 241)

What is the overall impression created by "Accident and Aftermath," the excerpt from Frida, by Hayden Herrera (on pages 237-239)? What specific images contribute to this impression?
What details of the accident scene are clearly depicted? Why are these images particularly sharp or vivid?

In Your Own Words (page 247)

In Phoenix, Arizona, a law was passed banning the sale of spray paint to minors. In addition, the Phoenix Police department created a hotline for reporting graffiti activity, and community groups and blockwatchers painted over graffiti in their neighborhoods weekly. The measures appear to have worked. Of the original 100 "crews" of graffiti artists, it is estimated that only about 10 "crews" remain. What problems has your city had with graffiti? What has your community done to eradicate graffiti? Why do you think the public in general is so opposed to graffiti?

The Art of Writing (pages 248)

In a brief essay, respond to the item below:

Graffiti is considered by many experts to be an expression of pride, self-worth, and personal affirmation. Many others consider it to be a form of language. What is your opinion? Taking into account your understanding of graffiti, how severe do you think the penalties should be for youthful offenders who tag?

OLC Extra! Reflections on Reading and Study Skills

These Reflections on Reading and Study Skills exercises provide an opportunity for you to think about the skills you learned in the textbook. To complete these exercises and e-mail them to your instructor, type your response in the blank provided here or type your response in a word-processing program and copy and paste it here. Next, edit and proofread your answer carefully. Then insert your instructor's e-mail address in the "to" line and hit "send."

Write about how an awareness of figurative language can help your own writing. How can you use simile, metaphor, and personification to write effective academic papers or creative writing such as poetry or short stories?
How can the use of symbols and imagery help you improve your writing?
Are you taking a class where multiple-choice tests are common? Write about how you can make use of the test taking tips for multiple-choice tests.

OLC Extra: Writing Something More

These extra writing exercises in this Online Learning Center provide you with another opportunity to express yourself in writing. To complete these exercises and e-mail them to your instructor, type your response in the space provided, insert your instructor's e-mail address in the "to" line, and hit "send." You can also complete these exercises in a word-processing program (like Microsoft Word or WordPerfect), save them in an appropriately named file, print them out, and hand them in to your instructor. Whichever you do, make sure to edit and proofread your answers carefully before handing them in.

Frida Kahlo's life story is depicted in the movie Frida, starring Salma Hayek as the artist and Alfred Molina as her husband, the renowned Mexican muralist Diego Rivera. The movie, released in 2002, is based on Hayden Herrera's biography of Frida Kahlo. Rent the movie and write a review of it. Make sure you explain why you did (or didn't) like it.

The Art of Critical ReadingOnline Learning Center

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