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Physical Science, 5/e
Bill Tillery, Arizona State University

The Universe

Essay Quiz


Describe briefly how the people of ancient civilizations viewed the universe.
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What is a constellation? For what purpose are constellations used?
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What was the origin of the zodiac? What was the origin, in general, of the meaning of the signs of the zodiac?
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How did the present system of twelve months to a year and seven days to a week originate? Suggest a reason why the number seven is considered by some people today to be a mystical, lucky number.
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Explain how the ancient Greeks reasoned the distances to the seven celestial bodies to create their model of the celestial bodies moving on concentric shells that turned around the earth.
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Explain why a geocentric model of the universe was so common among the ancient civilizations.
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Would you ever observe the sun to move along the celestial meridian? Explain.
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What is the meaning of a distance between stars that is expressed in degrees of arc? What are arc minutes and arc seconds?
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What is a parsec and how is it defined? What is a light-year and how is it defined?
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Why are astronomical distances not measured with standard referent units of distance such as kilometers or miles?
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Explain why a protostar heats up internally as it gravitationally contracts.
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About how much time is required for the energy released from nuclear fusion reactions in the center part of an average star such as the sun to reach the surface and be emitted as light?
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Describe in general the structure and interior density, pressure, and temperature conditions of an average star such as the sun.
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Which size of star has the longest life span, a star sixty times more massive than the sun, one just as massive as the sun, or a star that has a mass of one-twenty-fifth that of the sun? Explain.
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What is the difference between apparent magnitude and absolute magnitude?
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What does the color of a star indicate about the surface temperature of the star? What is the relationship between the temperature of a star and the spectrum of the star? Describe in general the spectral classification scheme based on temperature and stellar spectra.
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What is the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram? What is the significance of the diagram?
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What is meant by the main sequence of the H-R diagram? What one thing determines where a star is plotted on the main sequence?
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Describe in general the life history of a star with an average mass like the sun.
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What, if anything, is the meaning of the Hubble classification scheme of the galaxies?
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What is a nova? What is a supernova?
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Describe the theoretical physical circumstances that lead to the creation of (a) a white dwarf star, (b) a red giant, (c) a neutron star, (d) a black hole, and (e) a supernova.
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Describe the two forces that keep a star in a balanced, stable condition while it is on the main sequence. Explain how these forces are able to stay balanced for a period of billions of years or longer.
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What is the source of all the elements in the universe that are more massive than helium but less massive than iron? What is the source of all the elements in the universe that are more massive than iron?
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Why must the internal temperature of a star be hotter for helium fusion reactions than for hydrogen fusion reactions?
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When does a protostar become a star? Explain.
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What is a red giant star? Explain the conditions that lead to the formation of a red giant. How can a red giant become brighter than it was as a main sequence star if it now has a lower surface temperature?
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Why is an average star like the sun unable to have carbon fusion reactions in its core?
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Describe the structure of the Milky Way galaxy. Where are new stars being formed in the Milky Way? Explain why they are formed in this part of the structure and not elsewhere.
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If the universe is expanding are the galaxies becoming larger? Explain.
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What is the evidence that supports a big bang theory of the universe?
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