1 |  |  Briefly describe the more conspicuous of Earth's motions. Identify which of these motions are independent of the Sun and the galaxy.
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2 |  |  Describe some evidences that (a) the earth is shaped like a sphere and (b) that the earth moves.
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3 |  |  Use sketches with brief explanations to describe how the constant inclination and constant orientation of the earth's axis produces (a) a variation in the number of daylight hours and (b) a variation in seasons throughout a year.
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4 |  |  Where on the earth are you if you observe the following at the instant of apparent local noon on September 23? (a) The shadow from a vertical stick points northward. (b) There is no shadow on a clear day. (c) The shadow from a vertical stick points southward.
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5 |  |  What is the meaning of the word "solstice"? What causes solstices? On about what dates do solstices occur?
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6 |  |  What is the meaning of "equinox"? What causes equinoxes? On about what dates do equinoxes occur?
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7 |  |  What is precession?
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8 |  |  Briefly describe how the earth's axis is used as a reference for a system that identifies locations on the earth's surface.
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9 |  |  Use a map or a globe to identify the latitude and longitude of your present location.
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10 |  |  The tropic of Cancer, tropic of Capricorn, Arctic circle, and Antarctic circle are parallels that are identified with specific names. What parallels do the names represent? What is the significance of each?
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11 |  |  What is the meaning of (a) noon, (b) A.M., and (c) P.M.?
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12 |  |  Explain why the time shown by a sundial does not usually agree with the time shown by a clock. Describe how the sundial time can be corrected to clock time.
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13 |  |  Explain why standard time zones were established. In terms of longitude, how wide is a standard time zone? Why was this width chosen?
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14 |  |  When it is 12:00 noon in Texas, what time is it (a) in Jacksonville, Florida? (b) in Bakersfield, California? (c) at the North Pole?
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15 |  |  On what date is Earth closest to the Sun? What season is occurring in the Northern Hemisphere at this time? Explain this apparent contradiction.
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16 |  |  Explain why a lunar eclipse is not observed once a month.
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17 |  |  Use a sketch and briefly describe the conditions necessary for a total eclipse of the Sun.
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18 |  |  Using sketches, briefly describe the positions of Earth, Moon, and Sun during each of the major moon phases.
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19 |  |  If you were on the Moon as people on Earth observed a full moon, in what phase would you observe Earth?
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20 |  |  Briefly describe three theories about the origin of the Moon.
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21 |  |  What are the smooth, dark areas that can be observed on the face of the Moon? When did they form?
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22 |  |  What made all the craters that can be observed on the Moon? When did this happen?
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23 |  |  What phase is the Moon in if it rises at sunset? Explain your reasoning.
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24 |  |  Why doesn't an eclipse of the Sun occur at each new moon when the Moon is between Earth and the Sun?
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25 |  |  Is the length of time required for the Moon to make one complete revolution around Earth the same length of time required for a complete cycle of moon phases? Explain.
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26 |  |  What is an annular eclipse? Which is more common, an annular eclipse or a total solar eclipse? Why?
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27 |  |  Does an eclipse of the Sun occur during any particular moon phase? Explain.
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28 |  |  Identify the moon phases that occur with (a) a spring tide and (b) a neap tide.
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29 |  |  What was the basic problem with the Julian calendar? How does the Gregorian calendar correct this problem?
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30 |  |  What is the source of the dust found on the Moon?
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31 |  |  Describe the four stages in the Moon's history.
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32 |  |  Explain why everyone on the dark side of Earth can see a lunar eclipse, but only a limited few ever see a solar eclipse on the lighted side.
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33 |  |  Explain why there are two tidal bulges on opposite sides of the earth.
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34 |  |  Describe how the Foucault pendulum provides evidence that the earth turns on its axis.
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35 |  |  Why are consecutive high tides commonly twelve hours and twenty-five minutes apart?
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