1 |  |  The earth's mantle has a chemical composition that agrees closely with the composition of |
|  | A) | basalt. |
|  | B) | iron and nickel. |
|  | C) | granite. |
|  | D) | gneiss. |
2 |  |  From seismological data, the earth's shadow zone indicates that part of the earth's interior must be |
|  | A) | liquid. |
|  | B) | solid throughout. |
|  | C) | plastic. |
|  | D) | hollow. |
3 |  |  The Mohorovicic discontinuity is a change in seismic wave velocity that is believed to take place because of |
|  | A) | structural changes in minerals of the same composition. |
|  | B) | changes in the composition on both sides of the boundary. |
|  | C) | a shift in the density of minerals of the same composition. |
|  | D) | changes in the temperature with depth. |
4 |  |  The oldest rocks are found in (the) |
|  | A) | continental crust. |
|  | B) | oceanic crust. |
|  | C) | neither, since both are the same age. |
5 |  |  The least dense rocks are found in (the) |
|  | A) | continental crust. |
|  | B) | oceanic crust. |
|  | C) | neither, since both are the same density. |
6 |  |  The idea of seafloor spreading along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge was supported by evidence from |
|  | A) | changes in magnetic patterns and ages of rocks moving away from the ridge. |
|  | B) | faulting and volcanoes on the continents. |
|  | C) | the observation that there was no relationship between one continent and another. |
|  | D) | all of the above. |
7 |  |  According to the plate tectonics theory, seafloor spreading takes place at a |
|  | A) | convergent boundary. |
|  | B) | subduction zone. |
|  | C) | divergent boundary. |
|  | D) | transform boundary. |
8 |  |  The presence of an oceanic trench, a chain of volcanic mountains along the continental edge, and deep-seated earthquakes is characteristic of a (an) |
|  | A) | ocean-ocean plate convergence. |
|  | B) | ocean-continent plate convergence. |
|  | C) | continent-continent plate convergence. |
|  | D) | None of the above are correct. |
9 |  |  The presence of an oceanic trench with shallow earthquakes and island arcs with deep-seated earthquakes is characteristic of a (an) |
|  | A) | ocean-ocean plate convergence. |
|  | B) | ocean-continent plate convergence. |
|  | C) | continent-continent plate convergence. |
|  | D) | None of the above are correct. |
10 |  |  The ongoing occurrence of earthquakes without seafloor spreading, oceanic trenches, or volcanoes is most characteristic of a |
|  | A) | convergent boundary between plates. |
|  | B) | subduction zone. |
|  | C) | divergent boundary between plates. |
|  | D) | transform boundary between plates. |
11 |  |  The evidence that the earth's core is part liquid or acts like a liquid comes from (the) |
|  | A) | P-wave shadow zone. |
|  | B) | S-wave shadow zone. |
|  | C) | meteorites. |
|  | D) | all of the above. |
12 |  |  The buoyant force that makes isostatic adjustment possible comes from |
|  | A) | pressure differences on the top and bottom of an object in a fluid. |
|  | B) | the reduction of the value of gravity with depth from the attraction of the surrounding mass. |
|  | C) | fluids pushing upward on objects, and the greater the depth, the greater the force of the upward push. |
|  | D) | none of the above. |