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Physical Science, 5/e
Bill Tillery, Arizona State University

Geologic Time

Essay Quiz


What is the principle of uniformity? What are the underlying assumptions of this principle?
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What is the geologic time scale? What is the meaning of the eras?
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Why does the rock record go back only 3.8 billion years? If this missing record were available, what do you think it would show? Explain.
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Do igneous, metamorphic, or sedimentary rocks provide the most information about Earth's history? Explain.
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What major event marked the end of the Paleozoic and Mesozoic eras according to the fossil record? Describe one theory that proposes to account for this.
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Briefly describe the principles and assumptions that form the basis of interpreting Earth's history from the rocks.
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Describe the sequence of geologic events represented by an an-gular unconformity. Begin with the deposition of the sediments that formed the oldest rocks represented.
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Describe how the principles of superposition, horizontality, and faunal succession are used in the relative dating of sedimentary rock layers.
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How are the numbers of the ages of eras and other divisions of the geologic time scale determined?
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Describe the three basic categories of fossilization methods.
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Describe some of the things that fossils can tell you about Earth's history.
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