1 |  |  What is temperature? What is heat?
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2 |  |  Explain why most materials become less dense as their temperature is increased.
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3 |  |  Would the tight packing of more insulation, such as glass wool, in an enclosed space increase or decrease the insulation value? Explain.
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4 |  |  A true vacuum bottle has a double-walled, silvered bottle with the air removed from the space between the walls. Describe how this design keeps food hot or cold by dealing with conduction, convection, and radiation.
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5 |  |  Why is cooler air found in low valleys on calm nights?
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6 |  |  Why is air a good insulator?
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7 |  |  Explain the meaning of the mechanical equivalent of heat.
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8 |  |  What do people really mean when they say that a certain food "has a lot of Calories"?
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9 |  |  A piece of metal feels cooler than a piece of wood at the same temperature. Explain why.
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10 |  |  Explain how latent heat of fusion and latent heat of vaporization are "hidden."
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11 |  |  What is condensation? Explain, on a molecular level, how the condensation of water vapor on a bathroom mirror warms the bathroom.
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12 |  |  Which provides more cooling for a Styrofoam cooler, one with 10 lb of ice at 0°C or one with 10 lb of ice water at 0°C? Explain your reasoning.
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13 |  |  Explain why a glass filled with a cold beverage seems to "sweat." Would you expect more sweating inside a house during the summer or during the winter? Explain.
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14 |  |  Explain why a burn from 100°C steam is more severe than a burn from water at 100°C.
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15 |  |  The relative humidity increases almost every evening after sunset. Explain how this is possible if no additional water vapor is added to or removed from the air.
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16 |  |  Briefly describe, using sketches as needed, how a heat pump is able to move heat from a cooler region to a warmer region.
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17 |  |  Which has more entropy--ice, liquid water, or water vapor? Explain your reasoning.
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18 |  |  Suppose you use a heat engine to do the work to drive a heat pump. Could the heat pump be used to provide the temperature difference to run the heat engine? Explain.
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