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Physical Science, 5/e
Bill Tillery, Arizona State University

Wave Motions and Sound


  1. A vibrating object produces periodic waves with a wavelength of 50 cm and a frequency of 10 Hz. How fast do these waves move away from the object?Answer
  2. The distance between the center of a condensation and the center of an adjacent rarefaction is 1.50 m. If the frequency is 112.0 Hz, what is the speed of the wave front?Answer
  3. Water waves are observed to pass under a bridge at a rate of one complete wave every 4.0 s. (a) What is the period of these waves?Answer (b) What is the frequency?Answer
  4. A sound wave with a frequency of 260 Hz moves with a velocity of 330 m/s. What is the distance from one condensation to the next?Answer
  5. The following sound waves have what velocity?
    (a) Middle C, or 256 Hz and 1.34 m l.Answer
    (b) Note A, or 440.0 Hz and 78.0 cm l.Answer
    (c) A siren at 750.0 Hz and l of 45.7 cm.Answer
    (d) Note from a stereo at 2,500.0 Hz and l of 13.72 cm.Answer
  6. What is the speed of sound, in ft/s, if the air temperature is:
    (a) 0.0°CAnswer
    (b) 20.0°CAnswer
    (c) 40.0°CAnswer
    (d) 80.0°CAnswer
  7. An echo is heard from a cliff 4.80 s after a rifle is fired. How many feet away is the cliff if the air temperature is 43.7°F?Answer
  8. The air temperature is 80.00°F during a thunderstorm, and thunder was timed 4.63 s after lightning was seen. How many feet away was the lightning strike?Answer
  9. A 340 Hz tuning fork resonates with an air column in a closed tube that is 25.0 cm long. What was the speed of sound in the tube?Answer
  10. If the velocity of a 440 Hz sound is 1,125 ft/s in the air and 5,020 ft/s in seawater, find the wavelength of this sound (a) in air, Answer(b) in seawater.Answer
  11. What is the frequency of a tuning fork that resonates with an air column in a 24.0 cm closed tube with an air temperature of 20.0°C?Answer
  12. What are the fundamental frequency and the frequency of the first overtone of a 70.0 cm closed organ pipe?Answer