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18.1 Sensory Receptors and Sensations

  • Sensory receptors detect certain types of external or internal stimuli.
  • Sensation occurs when sensory receptors send nerve impulses to the brain.
  1. What category of receptors includes pain receptors?

  2. Explain the difference between a sensation and a perception.

Essential Study Partner
    Light Receptors
    Receptors and Sensations

General Biology Weblinks
    Anatomy & Physiology

18.2 Proprioceptors and Cutaneous Receptors

  • Proprioceptors in muscles and joints help the body maintain balance and posture.
  • Cutaneous receptors in the skin are sensitive to touch, pressure, pain, and temperature (warmth and cold).
  1. What are the two types of proprioceptors, what do they do, and where are they located?

  2. Where are cutaneous receptors located within the skin?

Essential Study Partner
    Somatic Senses

Art Quiz
    Sensory Receptors in Skin

18.3 Sense of Taste and Smell

  • Taste cells within taste buds in the mouth are sensitive to molecules that result in bitter, sour, salty, or sweet tastes.
  • Olfactory cells within the olfactory epithelium are sensitive to molecules that result in a sense of smell.
  1. Explain how taste is perceived.

  2. Why does the sense of smell seem to be so closely linked to memory and emotions?

Essential Study Partner
    Sense of Taste
    Sense of Smell

Art Quiz

Animation Quizzes

18.4 Sense of Vision

  • The photoreceptors for sight contain visual pigments, which detect light rays.
  • A great deal of integration occurs in the retina of the eye before nerve impulses are sent to the brain.
  1. Trace the path of light through the eye to the retina.

  2. What abnormalities of the eyeball lead to nearsightedness and farsightedness?

Essential Study Partner
    Sense of Vision

Art Quizzes
    Eye Evolution
    Retina Structure
    Visual Processing Pathway

Animation Quiz

Labeling Exercises
Anatomy of the Human Eye (1) (48.0K)
Anatomy of the Human Eye (2) (52.0K)

18.5 Sense of Hearing

  • The mechanoreceptors for hearing are hair cells in the cochlea of the inner ear that detect pressure waves.
  1. What portion of the ear is filled with fluid, and what portions contain air?

  2. How are volume and pitch perceived by the hair cells of the cochlea?

Essential Study Partner
    Sense of Hearing

Animation Quiz

Labeling Exercise
Anatomy of the Human Ear (34.0K)

Case Study
    Hearing Loss and Jobs

18.6 Sense of Equilibrium

  • Hair cells in the semicircular canals of the inner ear are responsible for rotational equilibrium.
  • Hair cells in the vestibule of the inner ear are responsible for gravitational equilibrium.
  1. What is the difference between rotational equilibrium and gravitational equilibrium, and where is each sense housed within the inner ear?

Essential Study Partner

Art Quiz
    Semicircular Canals and Ampulla

Animation Quizzes
    Sense of Balance
    Sense of Rotational Acceleration

Inquiry into Life, 11/eOnline Learning Center

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