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Multiple-Choice Quiz
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Please answer the following questions.


Which one of the following is not an appropriate method for sequencing jobs in a job shop?
B)The assignment method
C)Shortest processing time
D)First come, first served
E)Earliest due date

The drum-buffer-rope conceptualization is used in conjunction with
A)priority rules.
B)the assignment method.
C)intermediate-volume operations.
E)flow shops.

The term "loading' in the context of scheduling refers to:
A)the assignment of jobs to processing centers.
B)using Gantt charts for scheduling.
C)balancing a production or assembly line.
D)transporting finished goods to appropriate distribution equipment such as trucks or rail cars.
E)expanding (horizontally or vertically) workloads.

Which one of the following is an optimizing technique?
A)Shortest processing time
B)Assignment method
C)First come first served
E)None of these

All of the following are possible reasons for using the first come first served rule in service systems except:
A)It is easy to apply.
B)It guarantees the shortest throughput time.
C)It is viewed as "fair" by waiting customers.
D)No computations are required.
E)All are possible reasons.

A major disadvantage of the SPT rule is:
A)it tends to make long jobs wait.
B)it results in high in-process inventories.
C)long jobs tend to delay other jobs.
D)it does not take processing time into account.
E)none of these.

A major disadvantage of the EDD rule is:
A)it tends to make long jobs wait.
B)it results in high in-process inventories.
C)long jobs tend to delay other jobs.
D)it does not take processing time into account.
E)none of these.

Choose the best ending to this statement: Scheduling service systems presents certain problems not generally encountered in manufacturing systems due to:
A)the inability to store services.
B)the random nature of customer requests for service.
C)both a and b.
D)the systems tend to operate over a longer day than manufacturing systems.
E)both b and d.

Which statement is correct?
A)Vertical loading involves infinite loading.
B)Horizontal loading involves infinite loading.
C)Vertical loading involves finite loading.
D)a. and b. are correct.
E)b. and c. are correct.

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