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Principles of Environmental Science
William P. Cunningham, University of Minnesota
Mary Ann Cunningham, Vassar College

Understanding Our Environment

Further Readings

Allen, John L. (1997). Student Atlas of Environmental Issues. Guilford, CT:: Dushkin Publishers.
A comprehensive overview of environmental issues

Barrett, C. B. and R. Grizzle.. (1999). "A Holistic Approach to Sustainability Based on Pluralism Stewardship,". : . (Environmental Ethics 21(1): 23-42.).
A pluralistic approach to environmental ethics.

Bergman, B.J.. (1998). "Wild at Heart,". : Sierra. (83(1):24-29.).
Down the Colorado River with "moderate extremist" Dave Foreman, co-founder of Earth First!.

Berkes, Fikret.. (1999). Sacred Ecology: Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Resource Management.. Philadelphia:: Taylor & Francis..
An interesting study of indigenous ecological knowledge.

Berry, Wendell.. (80(5):62-67.). "The Obligation of Care,". : Sierra. (Taking responsibility for the planet and ourselves.).

Bright, Chris.. (1999). "The Nemesis Effect.". : Worldwatch.. (May/June 1999.).
Warns of rapid, unexpected decline in the world's ecosystems as a result of overlapping stresses.

Brower, David.. (1990). For Earth's sake: The Life and Times of David Brower.. Salt Lake City:: Peregrine Smith Books..
A fascinating autobiography by one of the world's premier conservationists.

Brower, David.. (1991.). Work in Progress.. Salt Lake City:: Perigrin Books..
A follow-up to For Earth's Sake is the story of a fascinating career in conservation.

Brower, David (with Steve Chaplle).. (1995). Let the Mountains Talk, Let the Rivers Run: A Call To Those Who Would Save the Earth.. San Francisco:: Harper Collins..

Brower, Kenneth.. (2001). "Leopold's Gift". : Sierra. (86(1): 30-39, 109-110.).
Dave Brower's son revisits Aldo Leopold's Sand County farm to learn how the science of restoration ecology was born.

Brown, L., et al.. (2000). State of the World 2000.. Washington, DC:: Worldwatch Institute..
A good, if somewhat alarmist source of environmental information.

Brown, Rosemary J.. (1997). "The Shirts Off Their Backs,". : Co-op America Quarterly. (42(Summer 1997):14-17.).
A shocking expose' about sweatshops and child labor in developing countries.

Brulle, Robert J.. (2000.). Agency, Democracy, and Nature: The U.S. Environmental Movement from a Critical Theory Perspective.. Cambridge, MA:: MIT Press..
An analysis of the theory and effectiveness of U. S. environmental groups.

Butler, C. D.. (1997). Medical Conflict and Survival. "The consumption bomb.". : .
Argues that rising consumption rates are now a greater threat to human society and the environment than population growth.

Carley, Michael and Philipe Spapens.. (1998). Sharing the World: Sustainable Living and Global Equity in the 21st Century.. London:: Earthscan..
Addresses links between over-consumption and declining quality of life in industrialized countries with poverty and inequality in developing countries.

Chapman, A. R. et al.. (1999). Consumption, Population, and Sustainability.. Covelo, CA:: Island Press..
Perspectives from science and religion on environmental problems.

Cheney, J. and A. Weston.. (1999). "Environmental Ethics as Environmental Etiquette,". : Environmental Ethics. (21(2): 115-134.).
An examination of ethics and epistemology.

Cobb, John B., Jr.. (1995). Is It Too Late? A Theology of Ecology.. Denton, TX:: Environmental Ethics Books..
A leading philosopher and theologian reflects on environmental ethics and the human condition.

Cronon, William, ed.. (1995). Uncommon Ground: Rethinking the Human Place in Nature.. New York:: W.W. Norton..
An important but controversial collection of essays on post-modernism and the social creation of nature.

d'Aluisio, Faith and Peter Menzel.. (1997). Women in the Material World.. San Francisco:: Sierra Club Press..
Hopes, dreams, disappointments and life experiences of women from 20 countries.

Earth Island Journal.. (2001). "A Tribute to David Brower". : Earth Island Journal. (16(1)).
Special Center Section celebrating the life of the father of the modern environmental movement.

Easterbrook, Greg.. (1995). A Moment in the Sun: The coming age of environmental optimism.. New York:: Viking Press..
An determinedly optimistic appraisal of current environmental conditions.

Ehrlich, Paul R. and Anne H. Ehrlich.. (1996). Betrayal of Science and Reason: How Anti-Environmental Rhetoric Threatens Our Future.. Covelo, CA:: Island Press..
A hard-hitting analysis of the use and misuse of science in environmental policy-making.

Freyfogle, E. T.. (1999). Bounded People, Boundless Lands.. New York:: Shearwater Books..
An exploration of environmental ethics and personal responsibility.

Goldsmith, Edward.. (1998). The Way: An Ecological World-View.. Athens, GA:: University of Georgia Press..
A radical critique of the modernist world view from the editor of The Ecologist.

Goudie, A.. (2000). The Human Impact on the Natural Environment.. Oxford, UK:: Oxford University Press..
A comprehensive textbook of human impacts on the environment.

Grande, S. M. A.. (1999). "Beyond the Ecologically Noble Savage: Deconstructing the White Man's Indian,". : Environmental Ethics. (21(3): 307-320.).
Stereotyping indigenous people as ecologically noble savages hinders our understanding of both humans and our environmental history.

Hanna, Susan S. et al.. (1996). Rights to Nature.. Covelo, CA:: Island Press..
A rights-based view of human use and control of nature.

Hayden, Tom.. (1997). The Lost Gospel of The Earth.. San Francisco, CA:: Sierra Club..
A call by California state senator and former SDS leader for an eco-spiritual awakening.

Hayes, Denis.. (2000). The Official Earth Day Guide to Planet Repair.. Washington, DC:: Island Press..
A call to arms from the chair of the Earth Day Network.

Hettinger, N. and B. Throop.. (1999). "Refocusing Ecocentrism: De-emphasizing Stability and Defending Wildness,". : Environmental Ethics. (21(1): 3-21.).
A new understanding of ecology leads to a re-examination of the goals of ecocentrism.

Houle, K.L.F.. (An examination of the philosophy and of the philosophical forefather of Deep Ecology.). "Spinoza and Ecology Revisited,". Environmental Ethics: 1997.

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.. (1996). World Disasters Report, 1996.. New York:: Oxford University Press..
Writing on natural disasters.

Kane, Hal. June,. (1995). "The Hour of Departure: Forces that Create Refugees and Migrants,". Washington, DC:: Worldwatch Institute.. (Worldwatch Paper 125.).
Important analysis of the causes and effects of environmental refugees.

Katz, Eric. (1996). Nature as Subject: Human Obligation and Natural Community.. : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc..
An exploration of nature-centered philosophy.

Kellert, Stephen R. (1997). Kinship to Mastery: Biophilia in Human Evolution and Development.. Covelo, CA:: Island Press..
An examination of human attitudes towards nature by a leading expert in the field. See also his excellent 1996 discussion of attitudes towards nature in The Value of Life, also from Island Press

Kiesecker, Joseph M, et al.. (2001). "Complex causes of amphibian population declines.". : Nature. (410 (6829) 681 - 684.).
Climate change, UV exposure, parasites, and diseases may all be interconnected in amphibian declines around the world.

King, Michael D. and David D. Herring.. (2000). "Monitoring Earth's Vital Signs.". : Scientific American.. (282 (4): 92-97.).
Satelites in the Earth Observing System diagnose the planet's health from the sky.

LaDuke, Winona.. (1999). All Our Relations: Native Struggles for Land and Life.. Cambridge, MA:: South End Press..
A collection of stories about environmental injustice towards native people in America.

LaDuke, W.. (2000). "Reclaming Our Native Earth,". : Earth Island Journal. (15(1):34-37.).
A leader in the native land reclamation movement argues that loss of cultural diversity and biodiversity go hand in hand.

Lear, Linda. Rachel Carson:. (1997). Witness for Nature.. New York:: Henry Holt..
A new biography of this conservation pioneer.

Light, Andrew and Jonathan M. Smith.. (1996). Philosophy and Geography I: Space, Place, and Environmental Ethics.. : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc..
A collection of essays on geoethics.

Little, Jane Braxton.. (2001). "God and Greens: The Environmental Movement in America's Churches.". : Forest Magazine. (March/April 2001: 14-19.).
Religious leaders apply new meaning to a biblical mandate to tend the garden.

Low, Nicholas and Brenda Gleeson.. (1998). Justice, Society and Nature: an exploration of political ecology.. London:: Routledge..
A good overview of ecological justice.

Luoma, John,. (1997). "Vanishing frogs,". : Audubon. (99(3):60-69.).
Amphibians are declining all over the world, from California to India.

Maser, Chris.. (1995). Resolving Environmental Conflict: Towards Sustainable Community Development.. Delray Beach, FL:: St. Lucie Press..
A guidebook to conflict resolution and facilitated community decision-making.

Matton, Ashley.. (2000). "Why the Amphibians?". : World Watch. (13(4):12-23.).
Why are amphibians disappearing around the world?

Meine, Curt, Ed.. (1997). Wallace Stegner and the Continental Vision: Essays on Literature, History, and Landscape.. Covelo, CA:: Island Press..
An interesting example of ecocriticism, a new field of literary analysis from an environmental perspective.

Motavalli, J.. (1999). "Tough Choices for Planet Earth,". : E Magazine. (vol X(1):28-35.).
The world stands at the crossroads at the start of a new millennium. What will our direction be?

National Wildlife Federation.. (2000). "How Conservation Grew from a Whisper to a Roar.". : National Wildlife. (38 (1): 22-44.).
A special report on the history of conservation.

Paehlke, Robert, ed.. (1997). Conservation and Environmentalism: An Encyclopedia. New York:: Garland Publishing..
A comprehensive encyclopedia on conservation and environmentalism by a leading scholar on environmental policy.

Pounds, Alan J.. (2001). "Climate and amphibian declines.". : Nature. (410(6829):639-640.).
Various reasons have been proposed for the falling numbers of amphibians in many parts of the world. Changing climate is likely to be a key factor - but with complicated links to the immediate causes of these population declines.

Relyea, R. A. & Mills, N.. (2001). "Predator-induced stress makes the pesticide carbaryl more deadly to gray treefrog tadpoles (Hyla versicolor).". USA: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. (98, 2491- 2496).
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Renner, Michael.. (1997). Fighting for Survival: Environmental Decline, Social Conflict and the New Age of Insecurity.. London:: Earthscan..
Paying attention to social, economic, and environmental problems may contribute more to security than will military spending.

Roszak, Theodore, Mary E. Gomes, and Allen D. Kanner, eds.. (1995). Ecopsychology: Restoring the Earth, Healing the Mind.. San Francisco:: Sierra Club..
How are our relations with nature connected to mental health?

Rowe, J. Stan.. (1997). "From Reductionism to Holism in Ecology and Deep Ecology,". : The Ecologist. (27(4):147-151.).
Deep Ecology may not be as holistic as its proponents claim.

Sachs, Aaron.. (1997). "A Planet Unfree,". : Sierra. (82(6):64-68.).
You can't save the world without liberating its people.

Schwartz, Eilon.. (1997). "Bal Taschit: A Jewish Environmental Precept,". : Environmental Ethics. (19(4).).
A survey of Jewish traditions for respect of nature.

Sheehan, Molly O'Mera.. (2000). "Gaining Perspective,". : Worldwatch Magazine. (13(2):14-24.).
Satellite imaging has helped us visualize environmental and social destabilization around the world.

Shepard, F. R. (ed).. (1999). Encounters with Nature: Essays by Paul Shepard.. New York:: Shearwater Books..
A collection of essays on landscapes, humans, and nature.

Shrader-Frechette, Kristin and Laura Westra, eds.. (1997). Technology and Values.. : Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc..
A useful collection of essays on science, technology, public health, economics, and environmental ethics.

Smith, Mick.. (1997). "Against the Enclosure of the Ethical Commons: Radical Environmentalism as an 'Ethics of Place',". : Environmental Ethics. (19(4):21-34.).
An interesting combination of ethics and social history that argues for a sense of place as the basis for environmental ethics.

Stewart, D. et al.. (2000). "How Conservation Grew From a Whisper to a Roar,". : National Wildlife. (38(1): 22-44.).
An illustrated history of conservation in the United States.

United Nations Development Programme.. (Cambridge University Press.). Human Development Report.. : New York:. (The most comprehensive and up-to-date data on human development.).

United Nations Development Programme.. (2000). Human Development Report.. New York:: Oxford University Press..
Source of the annual human development index and other economic and development statistics.

United Nations Environment Programme.. (1999). Global Environment Outlook 2000.. New York:: Earthscan Publications..
A region-by-region survey of the state of the world's environment.

Westra, L.. (1996). "Environmental Integrity, Racism, and Health,". : Science Total Environment. (184(1-2):57-66.).
An interrogation of the relationship between ecosystem integrity and human health.

Wirth, Timothy E.. (1995). "The Human Factor,". : Sierra. (80(5):76).
National Security used to be about war and readiness; now it's also about population and overconsumption.

World Bank.. (1999). World Development Report 1999/2000.. : .
A comprehensive report on living conditions around the world.

World Resources Institute.. (2000). World Resources 2000-2001.. New York:: Oxford University Press..
An excellent summary of world environment and resources. Prepared in collaboration with the United Nations Environment Programme and the United Nations Development Program.

Zimmerman, M. Science,. (1995). Non-science, and Nonsense: Approaching Environmental Literacy.. Baltimore, MD:: Johns Hopkins University Press..
How does science differ from non-science?

Zimmerman, Michael E.. (1997). Contesting Earth's Future: Radical Ecology and Postmodernity.. San Francisco:: University of California Press..
A good review of the conflict between ecologists and post-modernists about the values and meanings of nature.