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Principles of Environmental Science
William P. Cunningham, University of Minnesota
Mary Ann Cunningham, Vassar College

Water: Resources and Pollution

Further Readings

Abell, R. A. et al.. (1999). Freshwater Ecoregions of North America.. Covelo, CA: Island Press.
A comprehensive assessment of the types and status of freshwater ecoregions.

Worldwatch Paper 128.

Abramovitz, Janet N.. (1996). Imperiled Waters, Impoverished Future: The Decline of Freshwater Ecosystems.. Washington, DC: Worldwatch Institute.

Agarwal, Anil and Sunita Narain.. (1997). "The Decline and Revival of Traditional Water Harvesting systems in India.. : The Ecologist. (27(3):112-116.).
Reviving centuries-old water harvesting techniques in India could offer an alternative to large dams and water development projects.

Allen-Gil, S.M., et al.. (1997). "Organochlorine Pesticides and Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) in Sediments and Biota from Four US Arctic Lakes,". : Arch Environ Contem Toxicol.. (33(4):378-387.).

Anderson, Terry L. and Peter J. Hill, eds.. (1996). Water Marketing: The Next Generation.. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc..
Discusses market incentives for water conservation.

Balducci, C., et al.. (2001). "Macrofauna impact on Ulva rigida C. Ag. Production and relationship with environmental variables in the lagoon of Venice.". : Marine Environmental Research. (52(1): 27-49).
Fertilizer runoff from surrounding farmlands has produced severe eutrophication in the shallow lagoon of Venice.

Black, Peter E.. (1996). Watershed Hydrology, 2nd ed.. Covelo, CA: Island Press.
An introduction to hydrology.

Bowie, P.. (2000). "No Act of God,". : The Amicus Journal. (21(4):16-21).
A graphic description of the effects of Hurricane Floyd in North Carolina.

Brivio, P.A., C. Giardino, and E. Zilioli.. (2001). "Validation of satellite data for quality assurance in lake monitoring applications". : The Science of the Total Environment:. (268(1): 3-18).
Lead article in a special issue on assessing water quality by remote sensing.

Burkholder, JoAnn M.. (1999). "The Lurking Perils of Pfiesteria.". : Scientific American. (281 (2): 42-49).
A frightening account of how this single-celled aquatic organism kills fish and harms people.

Cho, B.H., et al.. (1997). "Laboratory-scale Bioremediation of Oil-contaminated soil of Kuwait with Soil Amendment Materials,". : Chemosphere 35(7):1599-1611 1997.
An example of how bioremediation can help clean up pollutants.

Clarke, Robin.. (1993). Water: The International Crisis.. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
A comprehensive look at a vital resource.

Driscoll, Charles T., et al.. (2001). "Acidic Deposition in the Northeastern United States: Sources and Inputs, Ecosystem Effects, and Management Strategies,". : BioScience. (51(3): 180-199.).
Although acid rain has been diminished in many places, it remains a serious problem in parts of New England.

Dobb, Edwin.. (2000). "New life in a death trap.". : Discover December. (2000: 86-93).
Bioremediation may offer a way to remove toxic metals from the deadly Berkeley Pit in Butte, Montana.

Donahue, John M. and Barbara Rose Johnston, eds.. (1997). Water, Culture, and Power: Local Struggles in a Global Context. Covelo, CA: Island Press.
Control of water resources is a critical issue in many areas.

Duncan, D. J.. (2000). "Salmon's Second Coming,". : Sierra. (85(2):30-41.).
Conservationists argue that obsolete dams on the Snake and Columbia Rivers should be removed.

Fairlee, J.R., et al. (1997). "Biodegradation of Groundwater Pollutants by a Combined Culture of Mycobacterium vaccae and a Rhodococcus sp.,". : Canadian Journal of Microbiology. (43(9):841-846.).
In vitro bioremediation by microbes.

Forster, D. L.. (2000). "Public policies and private decisions: Their impacts on Lake Erie water quality and farm economy.". : Journal of Soil and Water Conservation.. (309: 322-326.).
Conservation tillage can reduce erosion and improve water quality.

Technical Paper No. 463

Foster, Stephen, et al.. (2000). Groundwater in Rural Development. : World Bank, Washington, DC,.

Franklin, Chris.. (1997). "Let the Colorado River Run Free,". : Earth Island Journal. (12(2):23.).
States the case for draining Glen Canyon.

Gardner, Gary.. (1998). "Human Waste: Pollutant or Resource?". : World Watch Journal. (11(1):28-33.).
It's too valuable to throw away, too toxic to throw around. What to do?

Gibbs, W. W.. (1999). "Not Cleaning Up,". : Scientific American. (280(2): 39-40).
High-pressure steam injection can remove pollutants from underground aquifers faster than conventional methods.

Gleick, Peter. H.. (2000). The World's Water 2000-2001. Covelo, CA: Island Press.
A comprehensive catalog of freshwater resources, dam construction, water law, and water conflicts.

Gleick, Peter. H.. (2001). "Making Every Drop Count". : Scientific American. (284 (2):40-45.).
An overview of the world's freshwater supplies.

Haddad, B. M.. (2000). Rivers of Gold: Designing Markets to Allocate Water in California.. Covelo, CA: Island Press.
A discussion of market-based approaches to water conservation.

Harvell, C. D., et al.. (1999). "Emerging Marine Diseases-Climate Links and Anthropogenic Factors,". : Science (US). (285: 1505-1510).
Pollution and global warming are causing new examples of marine diseases.

Helle, I.D., et al.. 1998 "Long-Term Growth Enhancement of Baldcypress (Taxodium distichum) from Municipal Wastewater Application," Environmental Management 22(1):119-127. Trees can effectively remove aquatic pollutants.. : .

Hobbie, J.. (2000). Estuarine Science.. Covelo, CA: Island Press.
An overview of the importance of and threats to estuaries.

Juhler, R.K., S.R. Sørensen and L. Larsen.. (2001). "Analysing transformation products of herbicide residues in environmental samples". : Water Research,. (35 (6) 1371-1378).
Outlines techniques for assaying pollutants in ground water at parts per billion levels.

Koberstein, Paul. (1997). "Dam Slayers Have Their Day,". : Inner Voice. (1997: 16-18).
Across the U.S., there is growing support for removing dams that block fish habitat. This is one of six article's in a special issue on river management.

Kolpin, D.W., et al.. (A survey of groundwater pollution in the corn and soybean belt.). 1996 "Occurrence of Selected Pesticides and Their Metabolites in Near-Surface Aquifers of the Midwestern United States,". : Environmental Science and Technology.

Lewis, Ricki.. (An interesting debate about natural bioremediation, dredging, and risk assessment.). 2001 "PCB Dilemma: Government, industry, and public debate dredging vs. bioremediation in the Hudson River". : The Scientist.

Lichatowich, Jim.. (2001). Salmon Without Rivers: A History of the Pacific Salmon Crisis,. Covelo, CA: Island Press.
Surveys both the biology and politics of the salmon decline in western rivers.

Lipták, Béla.. (1997). "Judgment Day for the Danube,". : Earth Island Journal. (12(3):25).
Report from The Hague on the world's first environmental trial.

Malle, Karl-Geert.. (1996). "Cleaning Up the River Rhine,". : Scientific American. (274(1):70-75).
An encouraging case study of international efforts to control water pollution.

McCully, P.. (1996). Silenced Rivers: The Ecology and Politics of Large Dams.. London: Zed Books.
A discussion of environmental effects of dams.

Montague, Peter.. (1998). "Drugs in the Water.". : Rachael's Environment & Health Weekly #614..
A sobering revelation of how pharmaceutical drugs given to people and domestic animals end up in rivers and lakes, contributing to the spread of drug-resistant micro-organisms.

Peles, J.D., et al.. (1996). "Metal Uptake by Agricultural Plant Species Grown in Sludge-Amended Soil Following Ecosystem Restoration Practices,". : Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. (57(6):917-923.).
Bioremediation can be economical and effective.

Perry, James A. and Elizabeth Vanderklein.. (1996). Water Quality: Management of a Natural Resource.. Covelo, CA: Island Press.
An excellent introduction to international water quality issues.

Postel, Sandra.. (2001). "Growing Food with Less Water.". : Scientific American. (284(2): 46-51).
Agriculture is the largest consumer of freshwater in most countries. How can this precious resource be conserved and extended?

Rainbow, P. S. and G. Blackmore.. (2001). "Barnacles as biomonitors of trace metal availabilities in Hong Kong coastal waters: changes in space and time.". : Marine Environmental Research .. (51(5): 441-463).
Shellfish, which filter water for nutrients, can be useful bioindicators of environmental quality.

Raloff, Janet.. (1998). "Drugged waters.". : Science News. (153: 187-189).
Sewage effluents release dangerously high levels of pharmaceuticals into our surface waters.

Raloff, Janet.. (2001). "Macho waters.". : Science News 159: 8-10..
Some river pollution results in endocrine hormone-disrupting steroid compounds.

Rivlin, Michael.. (1998). "Muddy Waters,". : The Amicus Journal. (19(4):30-37.).
What should we do about water pollution?

Rothenberg, David and Mara Ulvaeus, ed.. (2001). Writing on Water.. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
A collection of essays on all aspects of water.

Sampat, Payal.. (2000). "Groundwater Shock: The Polluting of the World's Major Freshwater Stores.". : Worldwatch Magazine.
13(1): 14-25

Santschi, P. H. et al.. (2001). "Historical contamination of PAHs, PCBs, DDTs, and heavy metals in Mississippi River Delta, Galveston Bay and Tampa Bay sediment cores.". : Marine Environmental Research. (52(1): 51-79).
Analysis of contaminant accumulation in marine sediments reveal how changing land use patterns affect runoff and coastal pollution.

Schneider, Paul.. (1997). "Clear Progress,". : Audubon. (99(5):36).
The successes of the Clean Water Act are unmistakable, but there is more to be done.

Smith, Allan H., et al.. (2000). "Contamination of drinking-water by arsenic in Bangladesh: a public health emergency,". : Bulletin of the World Health Organization. (2000: 78(9): 1093-1103).
Estimates that between 35 and 77 million people are at risk of arsenic poisoning in Bangladesh.

Steinfeld, Carol.. (1997). "Phytoremediation," in Environmental Encyclopedia 2nd ed.. Detroit, MI: Gale Research..

Swannell, R.P., et al.. (1996). "Field Evaluations of Marine Oil Spill Bioremediation,". : Microbiology Review. (60(2):342-365).

Williams, Ted.. (1999). "Lessons from Lake Apopka.". : Audubon. (101(4): 64-73).
A sad story of how flooding of pesticide-contaminated farmlands killed thousands of wading birds in a Florida wildlife refuge.

Wolf, Aaron T., et al.. (1999). "International River Basins of the World.". : WaterRresources Development. (15(4): 387-427).
A valuable review of freshwater resources.