| Principles of Environmental Science William P. Cunningham,
University of Minnesota Mary Ann Cunningham,
Vassar College
Water: Resources and Pollution
Further Readings
| Abell, R. A. et al.. (1999). Freshwater Ecoregions of North America.. Covelo, CA: Island Press. A comprehensive assessment of the types and status of freshwater ecoregions. | | | |
Worldwatch Paper 128. | Abramovitz, Janet N.. (1996). Imperiled Waters, Impoverished Future: The Decline of Freshwater Ecosystems.. Washington, DC: Worldwatch Institute.
| | | |
| Agarwal, Anil and Sunita Narain.. (1997). "The Decline and Revival of Traditional Water Harvesting systems in India.. : The Ecologist. (27(3):112-116.). Reviving centuries-old water harvesting techniques in India could offer an alternative to large dams and water development projects. | | | |
| Allen-Gil, S.M., et al.. (1997). "Organochlorine Pesticides and Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) in Sediments and Biota from Four US Arctic Lakes,". : Arch Environ Contem Toxicol.. (33(4):378-387.).
| | | |
| Anderson, Terry L. and Peter J. Hill, eds.. (1996). Water Marketing: The Next Generation.. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.. Discusses market incentives for water conservation. | | | |
| Balducci, C., et al.. (2001). "Macrofauna impact on Ulva rigida C. Ag. Production and relationship with environmental variables in the lagoon of Venice.". : Marine Environmental Research. (52(1): 27-49). Fertilizer runoff from surrounding farmlands has produced severe eutrophication in the shallow lagoon of Venice. | | | |
| Black, Peter E.. (1996). Watershed Hydrology, 2nd ed.. Covelo, CA: Island Press. An introduction to hydrology. | | | |
| Bowie, P.. (2000). "No Act of God,". : The Amicus Journal. (21(4):16-21). A graphic description of the effects of Hurricane Floyd in North Carolina. | | | |
| Brivio, P.A., C. Giardino, and E. Zilioli.. (2001). "Validation of satellite data for quality assurance in lake monitoring applications". : The Science of the Total Environment:. (268(1): 3-18). Lead article in a special issue on assessing water quality by remote sensing. | | | |
| Burkholder, JoAnn M.. (1999). "The Lurking Perils of Pfiesteria.". : Scientific American. (281 (2): 42-49). A frightening account of how this single-celled aquatic organism kills fish and harms people. | | | |
| Cho, B.H., et al.. (1997). "Laboratory-scale Bioremediation of Oil-contaminated soil of Kuwait with Soil Amendment Materials,". : Chemosphere 35(7):1599-1611 1997. An example of how bioremediation can help clean up pollutants. | | | |
| Clarke, Robin.. (1993). Water: The International Crisis.. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. A comprehensive look at a vital resource. | | | |
| Driscoll, Charles T., et al.. (2001). "Acidic Deposition in the Northeastern United States: Sources and Inputs, Ecosystem Effects, and Management Strategies,". : BioScience. (51(3): 180-199.). Although acid rain has been diminished in many places, it remains a serious problem in parts of New England. | | | |
| Dobb, Edwin.. (2000). "New life in a death trap.". : Discover December. (2000: 86-93). Bioremediation may offer a way to remove toxic metals from the deadly Berkeley Pit in Butte, Montana. | | | |
| Donahue, John M. and Barbara Rose Johnston, eds.. (1997). Water, Culture, and Power: Local Struggles in a Global Context. Covelo, CA: Island Press. Control of water resources is a critical issue in many areas. | | | |
| Duncan, D. J.. (2000). "Salmon's Second Coming,". : Sierra. (85(2):30-41.). Conservationists argue that obsolete dams on the Snake and Columbia Rivers should be removed. | | | |
| Fairlee, J.R., et al. (1997). "Biodegradation of Groundwater Pollutants by a Combined Culture of Mycobacterium vaccae and a Rhodococcus sp.,". : Canadian Journal of Microbiology. (43(9):841-846.). In vitro bioremediation by microbes. | | | |
| Forster, D. L.. (2000). "Public policies and private decisions: Their impacts on Lake Erie water quality and farm economy.". : Journal of Soil and Water Conservation.. (309: 322-326.). Conservation tillage can reduce erosion and improve water quality. | | | |
Technical Paper No. 463 | Foster, Stephen, et al.. (2000). Groundwater in Rural Development. : World Bank, Washington, DC,.
| | | |
| Franklin, Chris.. (1997). "Let the Colorado River Run Free,". : Earth Island Journal. (12(2):23.). States the case for draining Glen Canyon. | | | |
| Gardner, Gary.. (1998). "Human Waste: Pollutant or Resource?". : World Watch Journal. (11(1):28-33.). It's too valuable to throw away, too toxic to throw around. What to do? | | | |
| Gibbs, W. W.. (1999). "Not Cleaning Up,". : Scientific American. (280(2): 39-40). High-pressure steam injection can remove pollutants from underground aquifers faster than conventional methods. | | | |
| Gleick, Peter. H.. (2000). The World's Water 2000-2001. Covelo, CA: Island Press. A comprehensive catalog of freshwater resources, dam construction, water law, and water conflicts. | | | |
| Gleick, Peter. H.. (2001). "Making Every Drop Count". : Scientific American. (284 (2):40-45.). An overview of the world's freshwater supplies. | | | |
| Haddad, B. M.. (2000). Rivers of Gold: Designing Markets to Allocate Water in California.. Covelo, CA: Island Press. A discussion of market-based approaches to water conservation. | | | |
| Harvell, C. D., et al.. (1999). "Emerging Marine Diseases-Climate Links and Anthropogenic Factors,". : Science (US). (285: 1505-1510). Pollution and global warming are causing new examples of marine diseases. | | | |
| Helle, I.D., et al.. 1998 "Long-Term Growth Enhancement of Baldcypress (Taxodium distichum) from Municipal Wastewater Application," Environmental Management 22(1):119-127. Trees can effectively remove aquatic pollutants.. : .
| | | |
| Hobbie, J.. (2000). Estuarine Science.. Covelo, CA: Island Press. An overview of the importance of and threats to estuaries. | | | |
| Juhler, R.K., S.R. Sørensen and L. Larsen.. (2001). "Analysing transformation products of herbicide residues in environmental samples". : Water Research,. (35 (6) 1371-1378). Outlines techniques for assaying pollutants in ground water at parts per billion levels. | | | |
| Koberstein, Paul. (1997). "Dam Slayers Have Their Day,". : Inner Voice. (1997: 16-18). Across the U.S., there is growing support for removing dams that block fish habitat. This is one of six article's in a special issue on river management. | | | |
| Kolpin, D.W., et al.. (A survey of groundwater pollution in the corn and soybean belt.). 1996 "Occurrence of Selected Pesticides and Their Metabolites in Near-Surface Aquifers of the Midwestern United States,". : Environmental Science and Technology. 30(1):335-340. | | | |
| Lewis, Ricki.. (An interesting debate about natural bioremediation, dredging, and risk assessment.). 2001 "PCB Dilemma: Government, industry, and public debate dredging vs. bioremediation in the Hudson River". : The Scientist. 15[6]:1 | | | |
| Lichatowich, Jim.. (2001). Salmon Without Rivers: A History of the Pacific Salmon Crisis,. Covelo, CA: Island Press. Surveys both the biology and politics of the salmon decline in western rivers. | | | |
| Lipták, Béla.. (1997). "Judgment Day for the Danube,". : Earth Island Journal. (12(3):25). Report from The Hague on the world's first environmental trial. | | | |
| Malle, Karl-Geert.. (1996). "Cleaning Up the River Rhine,". : Scientific American. (274(1):70-75). An encouraging case study of international efforts to control water pollution. | | | |
| McCully, P.. (1996). Silenced Rivers: The Ecology and Politics of Large Dams.. London: Zed Books. A discussion of environmental effects of dams. | | | |
| Montague, Peter.. (1998). "Drugs in the Water.". : Rachael's Environment & Health Weekly #614.. A sobering revelation of how pharmaceutical drugs given to people and domestic animals end up in rivers and lakes, contributing to the spread of drug-resistant micro-organisms. | | | |
| Peles, J.D., et al.. (1996). "Metal Uptake by Agricultural Plant Species Grown in Sludge-Amended Soil Following Ecosystem Restoration Practices,". : Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. (57(6):917-923.). Bioremediation can be economical and effective. | | | |
| Perry, James A. and Elizabeth Vanderklein.. (1996). Water Quality: Management of a Natural Resource.. Covelo, CA: Island Press. An excellent introduction to international water quality issues. | | | |
| Postel, Sandra.. (2001). "Growing Food with Less Water.". : Scientific American. (284(2): 46-51). Agriculture is the largest consumer of freshwater in most countries. How can this precious resource be conserved and extended? | | | |
| Rainbow, P. S. and G. Blackmore.. (2001). "Barnacles as biomonitors of trace metal availabilities in Hong Kong coastal waters: changes in space and time.". : Marine Environmental Research .. (51(5): 441-463). Shellfish, which filter water for nutrients, can be useful bioindicators of environmental quality. | | | |
| Raloff, Janet.. (1998). "Drugged waters.". : Science News. (153: 187-189). Sewage effluents release dangerously high levels of pharmaceuticals into our surface waters. | | | |
| Raloff, Janet.. (2001). "Macho waters.". : Science News 159: 8-10.. Some river pollution results in endocrine hormone-disrupting steroid compounds. | | | |
| Rivlin, Michael.. (1998). "Muddy Waters,". : The Amicus Journal. (19(4):30-37.). What should we do about water pollution? | | | |
| Rothenberg, David and Mara Ulvaeus, ed.. (2001). Writing on Water.. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. A collection of essays on all aspects of water. | | | |
| Sampat, Payal.. (2000). "Groundwater Shock: The Polluting of the World's Major Freshwater Stores.". : Worldwatch Magazine. 13(1): 14-25 | | | |
| Santschi, P. H. et al.. (2001). "Historical contamination of PAHs, PCBs, DDTs, and heavy metals in Mississippi River Delta, Galveston Bay and Tampa Bay sediment cores.". : Marine Environmental Research. (52(1): 51-79). Analysis of contaminant accumulation in marine sediments reveal how changing land use patterns affect runoff and coastal pollution. | | | |
| Schneider, Paul.. (1997). "Clear Progress,". : Audubon. (99(5):36). The successes of the Clean Water Act are unmistakable, but there is more to be done. | | | |
| Smith, Allan H., et al.. (2000). "Contamination of drinking-water by arsenic in Bangladesh: a public health emergency,". : Bulletin of the World Health Organization. (2000: 78(9): 1093-1103). Estimates that between 35 and 77 million people are at risk of arsenic poisoning in Bangladesh. | | | |
| Steinfeld, Carol.. (1997). "Phytoremediation," in Environmental Encyclopedia 2nd ed.. Detroit, MI: Gale Research..
| | | |
| Swannell, R.P., et al.. (1996). "Field Evaluations of Marine Oil Spill Bioremediation,". : Microbiology Review. (60(2):342-365).
| | | |
| Williams, Ted.. (1999). "Lessons from Lake Apopka.". : Audubon. (101(4): 64-73). A sad story of how flooding of pesticide-contaminated farmlands killed thousands of wading birds in a Florida wildlife refuge. | | | |
| Wolf, Aaron T., et al.. (1999). "International River Basins of the World.". : WaterRresources Development. (15(4): 387-427). A valuable review of freshwater resources. | | | |