| Principles of Environmental Science William P. Cunningham,
University of Minnesota Mary Ann Cunningham,
Vassar College
Further Readings
| Appleby, A. J.. (1999). "The Electrochemical Engine for Vehicles,". : Scientific American. (281(1): 74-79.). First in a series on advances in fuel cell technology. | | | |
| Asmus, Peter.. (2000). "You say you want a revolution.". : . (November/December 2000: 28-32). Outrage at rising energy prices is prompting a closer look at smarter, cleaner energy source. | | | |
| Byrne, John and Steve Hoffman, eds.. (1995). Governing the Atom: The Politics of Risk Energy Policy Studies, Volume 7.. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers..
| | | |
| Dun, Seth.. (1999). "King Coal's Weakening Grip on Power,". : Worldwatch. (12(5):10-19.). The fuel that ushered in the Industrial Revolution may be on the way out. | | | |
| Dunn, Seth.. (2000). "The Hydrogen Experiment.". : World Watch. (13(6):14-25.). Iceland has committed to becoming the world's first hydrogen economy. | | | |
| Dunn, Seth.. (1997). "Power of Choice,". : World Watch. (10(5)30-35.). Consumers have a new opportunity to tell electricity suppliers how they want their power produced. | | | |
| Elliot, David.. (1997). Energy, Society and Environment: Technology for a Sustainable Future.. New York: Routledge..
| | | |
| Flavin, Christopher.. (1999). "Bull Market in Wind Energy.". : World Watch.. (10(2): 24-27.). Many countries are finding that wind energy makes the most sense. | | | |
| Goldemberg, José. (1996). Energy, Environment, and Development.. Covelo, CA: Island Press. An overview of international energy issues. | | | |
| Greenpeace.. (1997). "Good Riddance, Chernobyl One,". : Greenpeace Quarterly. (2(1):19.).
| | | |
| Hollister, Charles D. and Steven Nadis.. (1998). "Burial of Radioactive Waste under the Seabed.". : Scientific American. (287(1):60-65.). Argues that deep sea burial of radioactive waste might be the best method of disposal. | | | |
| Hoffmann, Peter.. (2001). Tomorrow's Energy: Hydrogen, fuel Cells, and the Prospects for a Cleaner Planet.. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. A review of clean energy options. | | | |
| LaForge, John M.. (Do understated media reports keep the nuclear industry alive?). "Chernobyl: A Global Tragedy," Earth Island. : Earth Island Journal. 12(3):28-29. | | | |
| Lentfer, Hank and Carolyn Servid (eds.). (2001). Arctic Refuge: A Circle of Testimony. Minneapolis, MN: Milkweed Press.. A compilation of essays by leading environmental authors about the dangers of oil-drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Available for download in pdf format at http://www.worldashome.org/index.html | | | |
| Motavalli, Jim.. (1997). "Power Struggle,". : E Magazine. (8(6):32-33.). Will utility deregulation unplug dirty fossil fuel and nuclear power plants? | | | |
| Nixon, W.. (1999). "Back to the Future: Can Modern Science Make a Car as Green as Fred Flintstone's?" Amicus Journal 21(3):17-22. A survey of new proposals for clean automobiles.. : .
| | | |
5(4):50-55. | Parks, Noreen.. (Earth). 1996. "Bounty from the Sea: A Visionary's Quest to Tap Vast Reservoirs of Energy Stored in the Oceans has Finally -- and Literally -- Borne Fruit,": .
| | | |
| Rembert, Tracey C.. (1997). "Energy for the Next Century,". : E Magazine. (8(6):28-31.). Renewable energy is making a dramatic comeback. | | | |
| Rosen, Harold A. and Deborah R. Castleman.. (1997). "Flywheels in Hybrid Vehicles,". : Scientific American. (277(4):75-79.). New technologies offer promise for clean, efficient transportation. | | | |
| Rosentreter, Richard.. (2000). "Oil, Profits, and the Question of Alternative Energy". : The Humanist,. (8-13.). We have neglected development of renewable energy sources. What role has the fossil fuel industry played in preventing alternative energy? | | | |
| Rowell, Andrew.. (1997). "Crude Operators: The Future of the Oil Industry,". : The Ecologist 27(3)99-106.. Technological advances and oil shortages have spurred exploration of offshore sites but these wells can have severe social, ethical, and environmental consequences. | | | |
| Schaeffer, J. and D. Pratt.. (1999). Solar Living Sourcebook (10th ed.). White River Junction, VT: Chelsea Green Publishers. A comprehensive "do-it-yourself" book for sustainable energy and independent living. | | | |
| Schmidt, Ellen.. (1997). "The World Bank and Russian Oil,". : The Ecologist. (27(1):21-27.). Are we ignoring environmental consequences in the rush to obtain more oil? | | | |
| Shcherbak, Yuri M.. (1996). "Ten Years of the Chernobyl Era,". : Scientific American. (274(4):44-49.). What have we learned from this disaster? | | | |
| Smeloff, Ed and Peter Asmus.. (1997). Reinventing Electric Utilities: Competition, Citizen Action, and Clean Power.. Covelo, CA: Island Press. Restructuring power companies presents an opportunity to promote clean energy. | | | |
| Stone, R. and P. Szuromi.. (1999). "Powering the Next Century.". : Science (US). (285:677). Introduction to a special issue on fuel cells. | | | |
| Suess, Erwin, e al.. (1999). "Flammable ice,". : Scientific American. (281(5): 76-83.). Methane hydrates buried in the seafloor store more energy than all the world's fossil fuel reserves combined, but could trigger run-away global warming if they are disturbed. | | | |
| Timoschenko, Valery and Tatiana Krolikova.. (1997). "Oil Pipeline Imperils the Black Sea,". : Earth Island Journal. (12(3):23). Getting oil out of Kazakhstan could have severe environmental impacts. | | | |
| Whipple, Chris G.. (1996). "Can Nuclear Waste be Stored Safely at Yucca Mountain?". : Scientific American. (274(6):72-79.). Unanswered technical and geological questions leave it unclear how safe this plan may be. | | | |
| Williams, T.. (2000). "Zapped!". : Audubon. (102(1): 32-44). Every year, high-power lines electrocute thousands of eagles and other raptors. Now utility companies are being held liable. | | | |
| Zorpette, Glen.. (1996). "Confronting the Nuclear Legacy: Hanford's Nuclear Wasteland,". : Scientific American. (274(5):88-97.). Bomb research and production have left a highly contaminated landscape in Washington state. | | | |