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Principles of Environmental Science
William P. Cunningham, University of Minnesota
Mary Ann Cunningham, Vassar College


Further Readings

Appleby, A. J.. (1999). "The Electrochemical Engine for Vehicles,". : Scientific American. (281(1): 74-79.).
First in a series on advances in fuel cell technology.

Asmus, Peter.. (2000). "You say you want a revolution.". : . (November/December 2000: 28-32).
Outrage at rising energy prices is prompting a closer look at smarter, cleaner energy source.

Byrne, John and Steve Hoffman, eds.. (1995). Governing the Atom: The Politics of Risk Energy Policy Studies, Volume 7.. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers..

Dun, Seth.. (1999). "King Coal's Weakening Grip on Power,". : Worldwatch. (12(5):10-19.).
The fuel that ushered in the Industrial Revolution may be on the way out.

Dunn, Seth.. (2000). "The Hydrogen Experiment.". : World Watch. (13(6):14-25.).
Iceland has committed to becoming the world's first hydrogen economy.

Dunn, Seth.. (1997). "Power of Choice,". : World Watch. (10(5)30-35.).
Consumers have a new opportunity to tell electricity suppliers how they want their power produced.

Elliot, David.. (1997). Energy, Society and Environment: Technology for a Sustainable Future.. New York: Routledge..

Flavin, Christopher.. (1999). "Bull Market in Wind Energy.". : World Watch.. (10(2): 24-27.).
Many countries are finding that wind energy makes the most sense.

Goldemberg, José. (1996). Energy, Environment, and Development.. Covelo, CA: Island Press.
An overview of international energy issues.

Greenpeace.. (1997). "Good Riddance, Chernobyl One,". : Greenpeace Quarterly. (2(1):19.).

Hollister, Charles D. and Steven Nadis.. (1998). "Burial of Radioactive Waste under the Seabed.". : Scientific American. (287(1):60-65.).
Argues that deep sea burial of radioactive waste might be the best method of disposal.

Hoffmann, Peter.. (2001). Tomorrow's Energy: Hydrogen, fuel Cells, and the Prospects for a Cleaner Planet.. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
A review of clean energy options.

LaForge, John M.. (Do understated media reports keep the nuclear industry alive?). "Chernobyl: A Global Tragedy," Earth Island. : Earth Island Journal.

Lentfer, Hank and Carolyn Servid (eds.). (2001). Arctic Refuge: A Circle of Testimony. Minneapolis, MN: Milkweed Press..
A compilation of essays by leading environmental authors about the dangers of oil-drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Available for download in pdf format at

Motavalli, Jim.. (1997). "Power Struggle,". : E Magazine. (8(6):32-33.).
Will utility deregulation unplug dirty fossil fuel and nuclear power plants?

Nixon, W.. (1999). "Back to the Future: Can Modern Science Make a Car as Green as Fred Flintstone's?" Amicus Journal 21(3):17-22. A survey of new proposals for clean automobiles.. : .


Parks, Noreen.. (Earth). 1996. "Bounty from the Sea: A Visionary's Quest to Tap Vast Reservoirs of Energy Stored in the Oceans has Finally -- and Literally -- Borne Fruit,": .

Rembert, Tracey C.. (1997). "Energy for the Next Century,". : E Magazine. (8(6):28-31.).
Renewable energy is making a dramatic comeback.

Rosen, Harold A. and Deborah R. Castleman.. (1997). "Flywheels in Hybrid Vehicles,". : Scientific American. (277(4):75-79.).
New technologies offer promise for clean, efficient transportation.

Rosentreter, Richard.. (2000). "Oil, Profits, and the Question of Alternative Energy". : The Humanist,. (8-13.).
We have neglected development of renewable energy sources. What role has the fossil fuel industry played in preventing alternative energy?

Rowell, Andrew.. (1997). "Crude Operators: The Future of the Oil Industry,". : The Ecologist 27(3)99-106..
Technological advances and oil shortages have spurred exploration of offshore sites but these wells can have severe social, ethical, and environmental consequences.

Schaeffer, J. and D. Pratt.. (1999). Solar Living Sourcebook (10th ed.). White River Junction, VT: Chelsea Green Publishers.
A comprehensive "do-it-yourself" book for sustainable energy and independent living.

Schmidt, Ellen.. (1997). "The World Bank and Russian Oil,". : The Ecologist. (27(1):21-27.).
Are we ignoring environmental consequences in the rush to obtain more oil?

Shcherbak, Yuri M.. (1996). "Ten Years of the Chernobyl Era,". : Scientific American. (274(4):44-49.).
What have we learned from this disaster?

Smeloff, Ed and Peter Asmus.. (1997). Reinventing Electric Utilities: Competition, Citizen Action, and Clean Power.. Covelo, CA: Island Press.
Restructuring power companies presents an opportunity to promote clean energy.

Stone, R. and P. Szuromi.. (1999). "Powering the Next Century.". : Science (US). (285:677).
Introduction to a special issue on fuel cells.

Suess, Erwin, e al.. (1999). "Flammable ice,". : Scientific American. (281(5): 76-83.).
Methane hydrates buried in the seafloor store more energy than all the world's fossil fuel reserves combined, but could trigger run-away global warming if they are disturbed.

Timoschenko, Valery and Tatiana Krolikova.. (1997). "Oil Pipeline Imperils the Black Sea,". : Earth Island Journal. (12(3):23).
Getting oil out of Kazakhstan could have severe environmental impacts.

Whipple, Chris G.. (1996). "Can Nuclear Waste be Stored Safely at Yucca Mountain?". : Scientific American. (274(6):72-79.).
Unanswered technical and geological questions leave it unclear how safe this plan may be.

Williams, T.. (2000). "Zapped!". : Audubon. (102(1): 32-44).
Every year, high-power lines electrocute thousands of eagles and other raptors. Now utility companies are being held liable.

Zorpette, Glen.. (1996). "Confronting the Nuclear Legacy: Hanford's Nuclear Wasteland,". : Scientific American. (274(5):88-97.).
Bomb research and production have left a highly contaminated landscape in Washington state.