| Principles of Environmental Science William P. Cunningham,
University of Minnesota Mary Ann Cunningham,
Vassar College
Biomes and Biodiversity
Further Readings
| Allen, C. R., et al.. (2001). "Modeling viable mammal populations in gap analyses,". : Biological Conservation. (99(2): 135-144.). GIS and gap analysis have proven to be valuable tools in conservation of endangered species. | | | |
| Baskin, Yvonne.. (1997). The Work of Nature: How the Diversity of Life Sustains Us.. Covelo, CA: Island Press. Examines the threats posed to humans by the loss of biodiversity. | | | |
| Blaikie, Piers, et al.. (1999). Biodiversity, Human Welfare and Development.. New York:: John Wiley.. Explains how biodiversity has different meanings and implications to different people in society. It integrates ecology and social issues with specific emphasis on the tension between economic development and biological conservation. | | | |
| Bodmer, Richard, et al.. (1997). "Hunting and the Likelihood of Extinction of Amazonian Mammals,". : Conservation Biology. (11(2)460-466.). An example of the role of overhunting in the decline of biodiversity. | | | |
| Brandt, Anthony.. (1997). "Not in My Backyard,". : Audubon. (99(5):58-63.). Suburbanites dig in as proliferating wildlife jumps the fence. | | | |
| Bright, A.D., M.J. Manfredo, and D.C. Fulton.. (2000). "Segmenting the public: an explanation of value orientations to wildlife planning in Colorado. ". : Wildl. Soc. Bull.. (28(1):218-226.). Discusses different valuations people have when determining their attitudes toward wildlife. | | | |
| Callicott, J. G. and E. T. Freyfogle.. (1999). For the Health of the Land.. Covelo, CA: Island Press. Previously unpublished essays by Aldo Leopold. | | | |
| Carbyn, L.N., S.H. Fritts, and D.R. Seip, eds.. (A wide-ranging overview of the status of wolves in North America.). 1995 Ecology and conservation of wolves in a changing world. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.: Canadian Circumpolar Institute.
| | | |
| Caughley, Graeme.. (1995). Conservation Biology in Theory and Practice.. Covelo, CA: Island Press.. Discussions of theories for why species are driven into decline and how these declines can be reversed, set in context of economics, legislation, and treaties. | | | |
| Clark, Tim W.. (1997). Averting Extinction: Reconstructing Endangered Species.. Covelo, CA: Island Press. The story of efforts to save the black-footed ferret, illustrating the difficulties implementing complex environmental policies, and proposing fresh approaches to endangered species recovery. | | | |
| Clarke, David.. (1997). "Brownfields," Environmental Encyclopedia.. Detroit, MI: Gale Research. An introduction to the problems surrounding recovery of urban superfund sites. | | | |
| Cortner, H. J. and M. A. Moote.. (1999). The Politics of Ecosystem Management.. Covelo, CA: Island Press. A review of the problems and promises of ecosystem management. | | | |
| Dobson, A.P., et al.. (1997). "Geographic Distribution of Endangered Species in the United States,". : Science. (275:550). Geographic distribution data for endangered species in the United States are used to locate "hot spots" of threatened biodiversity. | | | |
| Dobson, A.P., et al.. (1997). "Hopes for the Future: Restoration Ecology and Conservation Biology,". : Science. (277(5325):515-522). Current issues in restoration and conservation. | | | |
| Duffey, E.. (2001). "Introduced pest species and biodiversity conservation in New Zealand". : Biological Conservation. (99(1): 1-3.). Introductory article in a special issue devoted to exotic species and ecological restoration in New Zealand. | | | |
| Ebersole, J. L., et al.. (1997). "Forum: Restoration of Stream Habitats in the Western United States: Restoration as Reexpression of Habitat Capacity,". : . (21(1):1-14.). Environmental Management | | | |
| Falk, Donald. A. et al.. (1996). Restoring Diversity.. Covelo, CA: . Strategies for reintroduction of endangered plants. | | | |
| Ehrenfeld, Joan G.. (2000). "Defining the limits of restoration: the need for realistic goals.". : Restoration Ecology. (8: 2-9). By looking at three different levels of natural systems the author attempts to lay out a foundation for goals for restoration projects. | | | |
| Greenpeace.. (1996). "The Truth about Tuna and Dolphins,". : Greenpeace Quarterly. (1(3):6-8.). The "dolphin-safe" label isn't so safe after all. | | | |
| Grumbine, R. Edward.. (1992). Ghost Bears.. Covelo, CA: Island Press. An excellent exploration of the biodiversity crisis. | | | |
| Grumbine, R. Edward.. (1997). "Reflections on 'What is Ecosystem Management'". : Conservation Biology. (11(1):41-47.). A review of the dominant themes in ecosystem management and the issues faced by professions in the field. | | | |
| Guha, Ramachandra.. (1997). "The Authoritarian Biologist and the Arrogance of Anti-Humanism: Wildlife Conservation in the Third World,". : The Ecologist 27(1):14-20.. Are environmentalism and conservation biology extensions of First World hegemony? | | | |
| Hadidian, John, et al., eds.. (1997). Wild Neighbors: The Humane Approach to Living with Wildlife.. Golden, CO: Fulcrum Publishing. Wildlife can coexist with people if we give them some room. | | | |
| Higgs, Eric S.. (1997). "What is Good Ecological Restoration?". : Conservation Biology. (11(2):338-348.). Defining good restoration involves ethical as well as technical decisions. | | | |
| Holing, Dwight.. (1997). "Close Encounters,". : The Amicus Journal. (19(2):20-26). Proposals for a sea salt extracting facility in Laguna San Ignacio threaten a major calving site for the Pacific Gray Whale. | | | |
| Hosansky, David.. (2000). "Mass Extinction". Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly.. We are undergoing a sixth mass extinction of biological diversity. This time, humans are the cause. | | | |
| Jacobson, Susan and Susan Marynowski.. (1997). "Public Attitudes and Knowledge about Ecosystem Management,". : Conservation Biology. (11(3):770-781). This study found the general public to lack basic ecological knowledge and to hold neutral to slightly positive attitudes toward ecosystem issues. | | | |
| Jeffries, Michael.. (1997). Biodiversity and Conservation.. London: Routledge Press. An introductory guide through the maze of interdisciplinary themes that encompass the concept of "biodiversity." | | | |
| Kerr, Jeremy.. (1997). "Species Richness, Endemism, and the Choice of Areas for Conservation,". : Conservation Biology. (11(5):1094-1100). A study conducted to determine the usefulness of umbrella species in conserving biodiversity. | | | |
| Knight, Richard L.. (1996). "Aldo Leopold, the Land Ethic, and Ecosystem Management,". : The Journal of Wildlife Management. (60:471-474). A discussion of ecosystem management illustrated with quotations from Aldo Leopold and his concept of a "land ethic." | | | |
| Krajick, Kevin.. (1997). "Rise of the Snow Geese". : Audubon. (99(3):70-77.). Geese are thriving in the United States and overwhelming their Arctic nesting grounds. | | | |
| List, Charles J.. (1997). "Is Hunting a Right Thing?". : Environmental Ethics. (19(4)). Claims that sport hunting is a right thing according to Leopold's land ethic. | | | |
| Lentfer, Hank and Carolyn Servid (eds.). (2001). Arctic Refuge A Circle of Testimony. Minneapolis, MN: Milkweed Press. A compilation of essays by leading environmental authors about the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Available for download in pdf format at http://www.worldashome.org/index.html. | | | |
| Lopez, Barry Holstun.. (1978). Of Wolves and Men. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. A great book about wolves and humans. | | | |
| Lorbiecki, M.. (1996). A Fierce Green Fire.. Helena, MT: Falcon Press.. An illustrated biography of Aldo Leopold. | | | |
| Luoma, Jon R.. (1997). "Catfight,". : Audubon. (99(4)88-94.). Feral cats are dining on birds and other small wild animals by the millions. | | | |
| MacNally, R. and A.F. Bennett.. (1997). "Species Specific Predictions of the Impact of Habitat Fragmentation: Local Extinctions of Birds in the Box-Ironbark Forests of Central Victoria, Australia,". : Biological Conservation. (82(2):147-156). An example of the effects of habitat destruction and fragmentation on the conservation of the world's biodiversity. | | | |
| Maehr, David.. (1997). The Florida Panther: Life and Death of a Vanishing Carnivore.. Covelo, CA: Island Press. (96). A comprehensive review of the science and politics of protecting this rare predator. | | | |
| Majerus, Mark. (1997). "Restoration of Disturbances in Yellowstone and Glacier National Parks". : Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. (52(4):232-236.). A good summary of specific restoration efforts in our national parks. | | | |
| Mitchell R. J., R. H. Marrs, M. G. LeDuc, and M. H. D. Auld.. (1999). "A study of the restoration of heathland on successional sites: changes in vegetation and soil chemical properties.". : Journal of Applied Ecology 36: 770-783.. Discusses ways in which vegetation changes affect soils. | | | |
| Mladenoff, David J., et al.. (1997). "Causes and Implications of Species Restoration in Altered Ecosystems,". : Bioscience 47:21-31.. A look at the recovery of the gray wolf, the reasons for its current success, and implications for further management needs. | | | |
| Nassauer, Joan Iverson.. (1997). Placing Nature: Culture and Landscape Ecology.. Covelo, CA: Island Press.. An excellent compilation of reflections on landscape ecology by from a wide variety of perspectives. | | | |
| Noss, R.F., and Cooperrider, A.Y.. (1994). Saving nature's legacy: protecting and restoring biodiversity.. Covelo, CA: Island Press.. A classic exploration of the value of biodiversity. | | | |
| Noss, Reed F., Michael A. O'Connell, and Dennis D. Murphy.. (1997). The Science of Conservation Planning: Habitat Conservation Under the Endangered Species Act.. Covelo, CA: Island Press. A framework and guidelines for applying science to regional habitat-based conservation planning by three of the nation's leading conservation biologists. | | | |
| Packard, Stephen and Cornelia F. Mutel.. (1997). The Tallgrass Restoration Handbook.. Covelo, CA: Island Press. Practical hands-on manual for restoring prairies, savannas, and woodlands. | | | |
| Palmer, T.. (1999). The Heart of America.. Covelo, CA: Island Press. A landscape approach to ecological and conservation issues. | | | |
| Peterson, David.. (2001). Heartsblood: Hunting Spirituality and Wildness in America.. Covelo , CA: Island Press. In an age of supermarkets and convenience food, why does anyone still hunt wild animals? Author David Peterson explores the cultural, ethical, and ecological meanings of this ancient practice. | | | |
| Pipkin, J.. (1996). "Biological Diversity Conservation: A Public Policy Perspective". : Environmental Management 20(6):793-797.. Shows how maintenance of biological diversity is important for utilitarian reasons, quality of life considerations, and because biodiversity is important to sustainable regional economies. | | | |
| Polinger Foster, Karen.. (1999). "The Earliest Zoos and Gardens,". : Scientific American: 281(1): 64-71.. Explores the origins of zoos and botanical gardens. | | | |
| Power, Haney A.. (1996). "Adaptive Management for Sound Ecosystem Management,". : Environmental Management 20(6):879-886.. Emphasizes the importance of research and monitoring in management. | | | |
| Pulliam, H.Ronald and Bruce Babbitt.. (1997). "Science and the Protection of Endangered Species,". : Science 275:499-500. An important analysis of the ESA by the Secretary of the Interior. | | | |
| Rawland, Anne.. (1997). "Make-way for Tallgrass Prairie,". : Wildlife Conservation 100:20. Description of a prairie restoration project at Walnut Creek National Wildlife Refuge in Iowa. | | | |
| Redford, Kent H. and Jane A. Mansour, eds.. (1996). Traditional Peoples and Biodiversity Conservation in Large Tropical Landscapes.. Covelo, CA: Island Press. Through case studies of projects in Latin America, this volume describes way in which environmental groups have worked with indigenous peoples to preserve nature. | | | |
| Rensberger, Boyce.. (1999). "Biodiversity: The Final Countdown".. : Audubon 101 (6): 64-69.. An interview with E. O. Wilson about threats to biodiversity. | | | |
| Ricketts, T. H. et al,. (1999). Terrestrial Ecoregions of North America: A Conservation Assessment.. Covelo, CA: Island Press.. An overview of the features and status of all major ecoregions in North America. | | | |
| Riley, A. L.. (1998). Restoring Streams in Cities.. Covelo, CA: Island Press. A guide for planners, policymakers, and citizens for restoring urban streams. | | | |
| Roe, E.. (1996). "Why Ecosystem Management Can't Work Without Social Science: An Example from the California Northern Spotted Owl Controversy,". : Environmental Management 20(5):667-674..
| | | |
| Simerloff, Daniel, et al.. (1997). Strangers in Paradise: Impact and Management of Nonindigenous Species in Florida.. Covelo, CA: Island Press. Metapopulation theory is an important development in both conservation biology and wildlife management. | | | |
| Soule, Michael. E. and Gordon H. Orians.(eds). (2001). Conservation Biology: Research Priorities for the Next Decade.. Covelo, CA: Island Press. A report from a group of leaders in Conservation Biology about future directions of the field. | | | |
| Stein, Bruce A. et al.. (2000). Precious Heritage: the Status of Biodiversity in the United States.. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. A report from the Nature Conservancy on the state of biodiversity in the United States. | | | |
| Sugal, Cheri.. (1997). "Elephants and People on a Crowded Continent,". : World Watch Journal. (10(3):18-27). The costs of sharing habitat. | | | |
| Swanson, Timothy.. (1997). Global Action for Biodiversity: An International Framework for Implementing the Convention on Biological Diversity.. Covelo, CA: Island Press. A history of the movements leading up to the Convention on Biological Diversity at the Rio Earth Summit in 1992 | | | |
| Tait, J. et al.. (2000). "How Are We Managing? Auditing the Health of Australia's Ecosystems.". : Ecosystem Health 6(2):149-163.. An important review of Australia's national land and water audit. | | | |
| Wemmer, L.C., U. Ozesmi, and F.J. Cuthbert.. (2001). "A habitat-based population model for the Great Lakes population of the piping plover (Charadrius melodus) ,". : Biological Conservation 99(2): 169-181.. Using "fuzzy-logic" this model is able to make detailed predictions for the breeding success of a very small population of this endangered bird species. | | | |
| World Conservation Union.. (1996). IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals.. Covelo, CA: Island Press. A comprehensive list of global endangered and threatened species. | | | |
| Youth, Howard.. (1997). "Neglected Elders,". : World Watch Journal. (10(5):22-29). Why reptiles are in trouble. | | | |