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Principles of Environmental Science
William P. Cunningham, University of Minnesota
Mary Ann Cunningham, Vassar College

Food and Agriculture

Further Readings

Anderson, L.. (1999). Genetic Engineering, Food and Our Environment.. White River Junction, VT: Chelsea Green Publishers..
A beginner's guide to this controversial topic.

Aspelin, A.L.. (1996). Pesticides Industry Sales and Usage 1994 and 1995 Market Estimates -- Preliminary.. Washington, DC: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency..
Data on pesticide use in the United States.

Baldwin, A. Dwight Jr., Judith DeLuce, and Carl Pletsch.. (1994). Beyond Preservation: restoring and inventing landscapes.. Minneapolis.: University of Minnesota Press..
A good collection of case studies in landscape restoration.

Benbrook, Charles M.. (1996). Pest Management at the Crossroads.. Yonkers, NY: Consumers Union..
An excellent overview of integrated pest management.

Benbrook, Charles.. (July 13, 1999.). Evidence of the Magnitude and Consequences of the Roundup Ready Soybean Yield Drag from University-Based Varietal Trials in 1998.. : .
AgBioTech InfoNet Technical Paper #1, Available at

Bergensen, H. O.. (1999). Yearbook of International Co-operation on Environment and Development 1999/2000.. New York: Earthscan..
Environmental policies of the WTO and other international agencies.

Biot, Yvan and Piers M. Blaikie.. (1995). Rethinking Research on Land Degradation in Developing Countries.. Washington, DC: World Bank.. (Discussion Paper No 289).
A political ecology approach to understanding soil erosion in developing countries.

Brown, Kathryn.. (2001). Seeds of Concern. : . (Scientific American 284(4): 50-57.).
First in a series of special reports on the safety of genetically modified food crops.

Brown, Lester.. (1997). Who Will Feed China. : . (E Magazine 8(1): 36-41.).
The world's most populous country is industrializing rapidly, and the helter-skelter process is leading to wholesale destruction of cropland and creating a huge international grain deficit.

Conway, Gordon.. (2000). Food for All in the 21st Century. : . (Environment January/February: 9-1.).
Environment January/February 2000: 9-1. Suggests policies for a doubly green revolution that could boost crop yields to keep pace with population growth.

Conway, Gordon.. (2000). Genetically modified crops: risks and promise. : . (Conservation Ecology 4(1):2 [online] URL:
Suggestions for actions to improve research, innovation, and acceptance of GMOs (genetically modified organisms) in developing countries.

Crawley, M.. (2001). Transgenic Crops in Natural Habitats.. : . (NATURE Vol. 409, No. 6821 (February 8, 2001), pgs. 682-683.).

Crosby, Alfred.. (1997). Germs, Seeds, and Animals: Studies in Ecological History.. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe..
A study in how rich countries benefit from biological and agricultural resources of poorer countries.

Daniels, Tom and Deborah Bowers.. (1997). Holding Our Ground: Protecting America's Farms and Farmlands.. Covelo, CA:: Island Press..

Diamond, J.. (1998). Guns, Germs, and Steel.. New York:: W.W. Norton & Co..
A fascinating look at how the environment has shaped human cultures.

Dower, Roger.. (1997). Agriculture, Forestry, Transportation, and Power Production.. Covelo, CA:: Island Press..
A plan for achieving sustainable development in the United States.

Gardner, Gary and Brian Halweil.. (2000). Escaping Hunger, Escaping Excess.. : . (World Watch 13(4): 24-35.).
Some of us are overfed while others are starving. What can we do about it?

Gollin, Douglas.. (1997). Conserving Genetic Resources for Agriculture: Local Farmers, International Organizations, and Intellectual Property Rights.. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota..
Paper presented to Globalization and Sustainable Livelihood Systems Workshop, Institute for Social, Economic and Ecological Sustainability (ISEES), April 11-12, 1997.

Greenpeace.. (1996). "Turning the Tide,". : Greenpeace Quarterly. (1(3):6-8).
The reauthorization of the Magnuson Act finally provides some protection for America's fisheries.

Hager, A.G.. (1996). "Weed Resistance to Herbicides: Understanding How Resistance Develops in Weeds is the First Line of Defense," Weed Control Manual: Volume 30.. Willoughby, Ohio: Meister Publishing Company..

Halweil, Brian.. (2000). "Where Have All the Farmers Gone?". : World Watch. (13(5): 12-28).
As farms become industrialized, those who are the most knowledgeable stewards of the land are being forced into servitude or driven out.

Hansen, Laura C. and John J. Obrycki. "Field Deposition of BT Transgenic Corn Pollen: Lethal Effects on the Monarch Butterfly," OECOLOGIA Vol. 125, No. 2 (2000). : . (241-248.).

Hardell, Lennart and Mikael Eriksson. (1999). "A Case-Control Study of Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma and Exposure to Pesticides,". : CANCER Vol. 85, No. 6. (1353-1360.).

Hilbeck, A et al. (1998). "Effects of Transgenic BACILLUS THURINGIENSIS corn-fed prey on Mortality and Development Time of Immature CHYSOPERLA CARNEA (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae).". : ENVIRONMENTAL ENTOMOLOGY Vol. 27, No. 2. (480-487).

Hopper, K., et al.. (1997). "Analysis of Breast Milk to Assess Exposure to Chlorinated Contaminants in Kazakhstan,". : Environmental Health Perspectives.

Iudicello, S. et al.. (1999). Fish, Markets, and Fishermen: The Economics of Overfishing.. Covelo, CA: Island Press.
Why are world fisheries collapsing and what can be done about it?

Kratz, Vikky. (A brief but useful summary of what's in our food.). "The Hidden Life of a Biogineered Meal.". Sierra: 2001..
103(1): 24-25.

Krimsky, Sheldon and Roger Wrubel.. (1996). Agricultural Biotechnology and the Environment.. Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Press.
A comprehensive and thoughtful analysis of both the promise and the hazards of biotechnology as it is being applied in agriculture.

Lappe, Marc and Britt Bailey. (1998). Against the Grain : Biotechnology and the Corporate Takeover of Your Food. Covelo, CA: Island Press.
A hard-hitting critique of biotechnology and genetically modified food crops.

Lewis, W.J., et al.. (1997). "A total system approach to sustainable pest management,". : Procedures of the National Academy of Sciences, USA. (94(23):12243-12248).
A fundamental shift to a total system approach for crop protection is urged to resolve escalating economic and environmental consequences of combating agricultural pests.

Losey, John E. et al.. (1999). "Transgenic Pollen Harms Monarch Larvae.". : NATURE. (Vol. 399, No. 6733 pg. 214.).

Manning, Richard.. (2000). Food's Frontier: The Next Green Revolution.. New York: North Point Press.
Hopeful stories of development of sustainable agriculture around the world.

McCann, E., et al.. (1997). "Environmental Awareness, Economic Orientation, and Farming Practices: A Comparison of Organic and Conventional Farmers,". : Environmental Management. (21(5):747-758.).
An examination of similarities and differences in awareness of and concern for environmental problems between organic and conventional farmers.

Mittal, Anuradha.. (2000.). "Behind Indonesia's Hunger Myth,". : Earth Island Journal. (14(4):32-34.).
Claims of food shortages are used as an excuse for repression

Mittal, Anuradha.. (The case for recognizing the human right to food.). "Food Security: A Human Right,". Earth Island Journal: 1997.

Musick, J.A. et al.. (2000). "Marine, estuarine, and diadromous fish stocks at risk of extinction in North America (exclusive of pacific salmonoids),". : Fisheries. (25[11]:6 -10).
Makes a case for protection of endangered fish stocks.

National Research Council.. (1996). Ecologically Based Pest Management: New Solutions for a New Century.. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.
A good survey of biocontrol.

Normile, Dennis. 2000.. (2000). "Hopes Grow for Hybrid Rice to Feed Developing World". : Science (US). (vol 288(5465): 429).
Progress towards high-yielding rice varieties at the International Rice Research Institute in the Philippines.

Norse, E. and L. Watling.. (1999). "Clearcutting the Ocean Floor,". : Earth Island Journal. (29-32).
Trawling for bottom fish is destroying ocean habitat.

Pimentel, D. W.C. Olsen, ed.. (1995). "Protecting Crops," in The Literature of Crop Science,. Ithica, NY and London: Cornell University Press. (49-66).
A good survey of agricultural pesticide use in world agriculture.

Postel, Sandra.. (2001). "Growing More Food with Less Water.". : Scientific American. (284(2): 46-51.).
Argues that if the world hopes to feed growing populations, irrigation must become less wasteful and more widespread.

Rissler, Jane and Margaret Mellon. (1996.). The Ecological Risks of Engineered Crops. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
Suggests ways to evaluate ecological risks of genetically modified organisms.

Rogers, P., et al.. (1999). "Biological Warfare against Crops,". : Scientific American. (280(6): 70-75.).
Intentionally releasing organisms that kill an enemy's food crops is a potentially devastating weapon of warfare and terrorism.

Rosset, Peter and Medea Benjamin.. (1994). Greening the Revolution: Cuba's Experiment with Organic Agriculture. Melbourne, Australia: Ocean Press..

Available from the Royal Society at (Ottawa, Canada) phone: (613) 991-6990 or at

Saxena, Deepak, et al,. "Insecticidal Toxin in Root Exudates from BT Corn,". NATURE Vol. 402, No. 6761 (December 2, 1999), pg. 480. Genetically modified: corn plants can contaminate soil..

Schettler, Ted, et al. 1999. Generations at Risk: Reproductive Health and. the Environment. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Presents evidence that toxic. chemicals can have lifelong, even intergenerational effects on human reproduction: and development..

Smil, Vaclav.. (2000.). Feeding the World: A Challenge for the Twenty-First Century.. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press..
How will we feed ten billion people?

Steinfeld, Carol. Cunningham, William P., et al. eds.. (1997). " Permaculture," in Environmental Encyclopedia 2e. Detroit, MI: Gale Research..

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (2000). "Biopesticide Fact Sheet: BACILLUS THURINGIENSIS Cry1Ab Delta-Endotoxin and the Genetic Material Necessary for Its Production (Plasmid Vector pCIB4431) in Corn [Event 176],". : EPA Publication No. 730-F-00-003..
Available at

Vorley, Bill and Dennis Keeney, eds.. (1998). Bugs in the System; Reinventing the Pesticide Industry for Sustainable Agriculture.. Covelo, CA: Island Press..
The realities of pesticide production and use, the leverage points for change, and potential consequences of sustainability.

Walsh, Lance P. et al. (2000). "Roundup Inhibits Steroidogenesis by Disrupting Steroidogenic Acute Regulatory (StAR) Protein Expression,". : ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PERSPECTIVES. (Vol. 108, No. 8 pgs. 769-776.).

Whitefield. (2000.). Permaculture in an Nutshell.. White River Junction, VT: Chelsea Green Publishers.
A beginner's guide to permaculture.

Whiteside, M.. (1999). Living Farms: Encouraging Sustainable Smallholders in Southern Africa.. New York: Earthscan.
An interdisciplinary look at land security and sustainability of family farms in South Africa.

Wolfenbarger, L. L. and P.R. Phifer. (2000). "The Ecological Risks and Benefits of Genetically Engineered Plants.". : SCIENCE Vol. 290 No. 5499.

World Bank. 1996.. Integrated Pest Management: Strategy and Policy Options for Promoting Effective Implementation. Environmentally Sustainable Development. Suggestions for promoting IPM.. : .