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Communicating in Groups: Applications and Skills, 5/e
Katherine L. Adams, California State University Fresno
Gloria J. Galanes, Southwest Missouri State University

Group Problem-Solving Procedures

Learning Objectives

After reading this chapter you should be able to:

Explain why using a systematic procedure for group problem solving usually produces better solutions than random or haphazard problem solving.

Define key terms such as problem solving, decision making, and area of freedom with examples.

Describe five characteristics of problems.

Explain why and how you would adjust the problem-solving process to accommodate any of the characteristics of problems.

Describe each step of the P-MOPS procedure.

Explain how you could use techniques such as the problem census, focus groups, group support systems, RISK, and PERT to help at various stages of the P-MOPS procedure.

Apply the P-MOPS procedure to fit a simple or complex problem.