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Communicating in Groups: Applications and Skills, 5/e
Katherine L. Adams, California State University Fresno
Gloria J. Galanes, Southwest Missouri State University

Celebrating Diversity in the Small Group

Internet Exercises

The Net Generation and You

The net generation is a wired generation. This group has grown up with the Internet as a consistent source of entertainment, education, and connection with others. The net generation, like generations of the past, does not espouse a monolithic view of the world. However, members of the net generation do share relatively uniform characteristics.

Don Tapscott's website, Growing Up Digital, describes in detail the characteristics of the net generation. The address for that website is Look through the website and lean about Tapscott's description of the net generation. How well does that description characterize your own attitudes and behaviors? What characteristics do you think the next generation will have? Is there a way you can characterize the next generation with a label? Do you think the next generation will embrace diversity and group interaction to the same extent as the net generation?