Myra Pollack Sadker,
Late of The American University David Miller Sadker,
The American University
ISBN: 0072484918 Copyright year: 2003
Proven Features
Readability, Coverage, Approach and Supplements
Readability. The text's readability makes it accessible and engaging
for the student. The authors use different approaches throughout to convey information
to make the text as interesting as possible. They use humor and an accessible
writing style to involve and challenge the student in active reading.
Comprehensive Coverage. Teachers, Schools, and Society provides a
comprehensive introduction to education and teaching. Part I: Teachers and Students
discusses what teaching is like today - opportunities, students and teachers;
Part II: Schools and Curriculum looks at schools and curriculum; Part III: Foundations
presents the foundations of education; and Part IV: Tomorrow discusses equal
opportunity, technology, and what the student can expect in her first classroom.
A Diversity-Focused Approach. The text includes an integrated, multicultural/diversity-oriented
approach in all chapters, including the most comprehensive coverage of the roles
and experiences of girls and women.
Technology Coverage. Technology in Education (Ch. 13) has been revised
to provide the most current coverage of technology in education - the latest
computer technologies and how they are being used in schools, and how technology
is affecting education. Technology-related coverage is integrated throughout
the text as appropriate.
Scholarship. The text has been updated to include the most current
Supplements. The text is accompanied by a wealth of resources including
a new Annotated Instructor's Edition; an Instructor's Manual/Test Bank (with
extensive, creative activities; and added test questions as well as a new alternative
assessment activity for each chapter); a computerized Test Bank, an Instructor's
Resource CD-Rom (with the Instructor's Manual, Test Bank, and PowerPoints);
full-color text-specific Overhead Transparencies; The McGraw-Hill Introduction
to Education Overhead Transparencies and PowerPoint slides; the video program;
the Online Learning Center (that includes instructor resources in additional
to student resources); and a Making the Grade CD-Rom (with practice quizzes
for students).
Pedagogical Features
Purposeful Pedagogy. The pedagogical structure of Teachers, Schools,
and Society has been refined in the sixth edition so that the overall system
is interactive. Reflection opportunities have been added to features and figures
to prompt students to think about what the information means and how it related
to what they are learning.
Each part
Begins with a Class Act that relates stories from future
teachers, teachers, and teacher educators about their involvement in education
Ends with an Inter-missions section the provides portfolio
activities keyed to INTASC standards
Each chapter begins with:
Focus Questions that prepare the student for the chapter content ahead
A What Do You Think? feature that links students to the Online Learning
Center for interactive preparation for the chapter content. Their responses
to questions are fed into a national polling system so they can see how other
students using the text responded
A Chapter Preview that gives an introduction to the chapter
Each chapter includes:
Interactive Activities that students can link to on the Online Learning
Center to apply what they are learning
A You Be the Judge feature that presents both sides of an
argument. Students can go to the Online Learning Center to respond to the
reflection questions following the feature, and have the option of submitting
their responses to their instructors.
A Frame of Reference feature that takes a closer look at
important topics
An In the News feature that summarizes interesting education-related
new items. Additional In the News summaries are located on the Online Learning
A Photo-synthesis feature that presents photos for analysis
A Profile in Education feature that highlights important
figures in education. Additional information about the educator profiled is
available on the Online Learning Center.
Numerous Figures, Tables and Photographs provide additional information
and interest
Each chapter ends with:
A Chapter Review feature that alerts students to the review materials,
including quizzes, located on the online student study guide
A comprehensive Chapter Summary
Key Terms and People with page references
Discussion Question and Activities that also list WEB-tivity
activities located on the Online Learning Center
A Reel to Real Teaching feature that highlights an education-related
movie along with reflection questions and follow-up activities. Students can
submit their reviews of the movies on the Online Learning Center.
For Further Reading that provides an annotated list of books on topics
related to the chapter.
To obtain an instructor login for this Online Learning Center, ask your local sales representative.
If you're an instructor thinking about adopting this textbook, request a free copy for review.