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Multiple Choice Quiz
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According to research in the 1990s, which of the following is most effective in raising student achievement?
A)lowering the student/teacher ratio
B)increasing teacher salaries
C)increasing teacher experience
D)increasing teacher qualifications

First-year teachers typically ask questions such as
A)Will I be able to manage this class?
B)How can I help this shy child?
C)Why is this student encountering learning problems?
D)How can our school implement authentic assessment?

What is the goal of induction programs?
A)to foster strong loyalty to a professional organization such as the NEA
B)to promote a positive transition into the classroom
C)to encourage teachers to engage in collaborative action research
D)to streamline the typically fragmented "in-service" days into a concentrated week of training before the start of the school year

An evaluation conducted by a veteran teacher is called
B)in-service day.
C)collaborative action research.
D)peer review.

Through professional development programs, teachers may do all of the following EXCEPT
A)satisfy state requirements for renewal of a teacher's license.
B)earn an additional endorsement or license in a second teaching field.
C)earn board certification.
D)earn a higher salary.

In their first year of teaching, two third-grade teachers notice that their students with limited proficiency in speaking and understanding English are falling behind in math. The teachers design two approaches to help the students make more progress in math, and test the approaches in their classes. From this scenario, it appears the teachers are engaging in
B)in-service days.
C)collaborative action research.
D)peer review.

Compared to schools in other nations, schools in the United States have
A)a significantly higher proportion of support and administrative staff.
B)a significantly higher proportion of teachers.
C)roughly equivalent proportions of teachers and support staff.
D)shockingly few support and administrative staff members.

Which of the following best describes today's teaching job market?
A)According to the U.S. Department of Education, declining enrollments will send demand for new teachers down sharply over the next decade.
B)New teaching jobs will be easiest to find in districts with high salary schedules and comprehensive induction programs.
C)Teachers in certain fields, such as English, social studies, and art, are in short supply.
D)Some districts are desperate for new teachers, while other areas turn candidates away.

Which of the following is NOT a way to recognize and reward teaching excellence?
A)career ladders
B)in-service days
C)merit pay
D)board certification

In a career ladder program, outstanding teachers
A)may have the opportunity to become a "master teacher."
B)may be excused from writing curricula or attending in-service programs.
C)are typically promoted into important administration positions, like principal, supervisor, or even assistant superintendent for instruction.
D)all of the above.

A criticism of the career ladder approach to teacher recognition is that
A)the system is basically untested—only five states have adopted a career ladder incentive program with state assistance.
B)career ladders are not rooted in professionalism.
C)it lacks clear standards or appropriate evaluation tools.
D)the only way "up" the ladder is to leave the classroom to become an administrator.

The National Education Association (NEA) was intended to encompass many different educational interests and groups. Which of the following actually dominated the NEA at the beginning?
B)administrators and college professors
C)principals and school superintendents
D)radical labor leaders

Which of the following is NOT part of the application process for board certification by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards?
A)the National Teacher's Exam (NTE), which in many states is the Praxis
B)written exercises that reflect the candidate's grasp of subject matter and teaching methods
C)student work samples
D)videotapes of the candidate's teaching

Which one of the following statements is TRUE?
A)Taken together, the membership rolls of the AFT and NEA exceed 3 million educators.
B)The AFT began backing school desegregation soon after the Supreme Court ruled that separate is not equal.
C)The NEA took the lead on securing rights for teachers through strikes and other actions.
D)Only members of the AFT are represented in collective bargaining.

"American schools may be doing better than we think." Which of the following best supports that statement?
A)Students in other nations are lagging behind American students on the most recent round of international tests. In fact, many nations now are forced to provide students with extra schooling, such as Juku schools in Japan, to help their students "catch up" with students in the U.S.
B)By the 1990s, the overall high school graduation rate in the U.S. approached a record 95 percent, the highest rate in the world.
C)U.S. students are staying in school longer than before and are enrolling in more challenging courses.
D)Recent analysis of the impact of the standards movement has revealed that the new and more demanding curricular standards have made the U.S. curriculum more rigorous than the curricula not only of western Europe but Japan, Taiwan, and South Korea as well.

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