Academic Employment Network (AEN) lists available positions in colleges, primary and secondary educational institutions for faculty, staff, and administrative professionals. A new feature allows you to post your resume. (
The AFT represents more than one million teachers, staff and faculty and is the nation's second largest teachers association. The site includes expected sections for the membership and mini-sites for various divisions. (
This site links with many other professional development sites, resources, job bank, book reviews, and more! Message boards for new teachers, student teachers and substitute teachers are provided. (
A great way to stay up-to-date with the weekly happenings in schools across the nation via an Online newspaper for educators. (
The NEA provides quite a bit of information, from salaries and job openings to legislative initiatives and current challenges confronting teachers. (
Sponsored by the Council of Chief State School Officers, this site includes the selection criteria and former recipients of the award. (
Recruiting New Teachers, Inc. (RNT) is a national non-profit organization which was formed in 1986 to raise esteem for teaching, expand the pool of prospective teachers, and improve the nation's teacher recruitment and development policies and practices. (
Find out how schools are performing in a state your might consider teaching. Learn how students score on reading and math tests, college admission rates, SAT scores, and teacher qualifications. (
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