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Multiple Choice Quiz
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Which of the following is NOT associated with the view of schools as tools to reconstruct society?
A)social action curriculum
B)service credit
C)Paulo Freire's The Pedagogy of the Oppressed

John Goodlad surveyed parents, teachers, and students about the goals of schools. He found that
A)parents, teachers, and students hold sharply differing views on school goals.
B)most parents feel social and civic goals should have top priority, whereas teachers overwhelmingly favor academic goals.
C)parents, teachers, and students rank four main goals (academic, social/civic, vocational, and personal) "very important."
D)parents and teachers rate all but personal goals "very important."

The second wave of school reform, as advanced by Theodore Sizer and others
A)called for stronger administrators to guide school reform.
B)had "higher standards" as its rallying cry.
C)advocated "full service schools."
D)called for reforming basic school decision-making practices.

A Nation at Risk charged that the United States
A)had been committing "unilateral educational disarmament."
B)had failed to develop a social action curriculum to fit the times.
C)needed to have a more child-centered educational policy.
D)should direct more educational resources to the underprivileged.

"Children's policy" is a term most closely associated with
A)charter schools.
B)the first wave of school reform.
C)the second wave of school reform.
D)the third wave of school reform.

Most educational reformers of the 1980s set as one of their main priorities
A)educational equity concerning the needs of women.
B)instituting a core curriculum.
C)more emphasis on vocational education.
D)"whole person" development.

Which of the following is most closely associated with the goal of desegregating schools?
A)open enrollment
C)magnet schools
D)for-profit schools

In the 1950s, Milton Friedman began advocating freedom of choice in education. He believed
A)students should have ultimate flexibility in determining class schedules
B)teachers should choose their curricula from within broad district guidelines
C)parents should be able to choose where to send their children to school
D)students should be able to choose between an academic and vocational track

Voucher plans are most similar to
A)charter schools.
B)neighborhood schools.
C)open enrollment.

What do we call the three criteria determining the legality of government funds used in religious schools?
A)the Lemon test
B)the Friedman test
C)the voucher standard
D)the anti-establishment rule

Why do most vouchers go to religious schools?
A)This is NOT the case. Most independent (non-religious) schools are barred from receiving vouchers.
B)The low cost of independent schools make financial vouchers unnecessary.
C)Most private schools are religious schools.
D)The Supreme Court has ruled in favor of vouchers to religious schools but has yet to rule on the legality of vouchers to independent schools.

In Jonathan Kozol's writings and in his stand against vouchers, he rails against
A)lax educational standards that threaten our nation's economic future.
B)inequalities in our educational system.
C)social action curriculum.
D)slavish devotion to "democracy" in education.

Charter schools got their start when
A)Al Shanker, then AFT president, suggested empowering teachers in charter schools.
B)Jonathan Kozol, researching for his book, uncovered the charter model in New Zealand.
C)John Chubb, of Brookings, called the democratic governance of schools broken, and advocated more autonomous entities such as charter schools.
D)desegregationists looked for an alternative to magnet schools.

The largest for-profit venture in public schools is
A)Edison Schools.
B)Tesseract (formerly Educational Alternative Incorporated).
C)Disney's "Celebration."
D)Microsoft's "Schools of Tomorrow."

Researcher Van Galen divides home schoolers into two groups:
A)disaffected teachers and recent immigrants.
B)ideologues and pedagogues.
C)"Romantic critics" and scofflaws.
D)overachievers and fundamentalists.

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