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The Center for Education Reform
This national, independent, non-profit advocacy organization presents their take on current reform issues in education.
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Charter Schools
The site is a comprehensive and supportive resource on charter school issues from legislation and research, to school successes and obstacles, to how-to and where-to-go.
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Charter School Research Project
A participatory site which provides overviews and resources on issues relating to charter schools with a research foundation.
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Everything Milton Friedman
Information on the life of the Nobel prize winner, conservative economist, and early advocate of vouchers is included. The site has a number of politically conservative articles, although it does contain some criticism of his work as well.
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K-12 Magnet Schools
This page provides an independent list of United States Magnet Schools which have web servers and electronic mail addresses.
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Oklahoma State Homeschoolers
A curriculum guide for parents who homeschool their children.
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Rethinking Schools Online
Founded in 1986 by activist teachers, Rethinking Schools is a nonprofit, independent publisher of educational materials who advocate with a strong emphasis on issues of equity and social justice.
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School Choice
Presents well researched positions in support of and against school choice.
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Studies of Education Reform
The full text of twelve recent studies that examined various aspects of education reform, which were funded by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI) can be found at this Online Library.
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Thomas B. Fordham Foundation
Aims to change the public school system with pointed advocacy work including such alternatives such as charter schools, contract-management, student scholarships and other strategies for stimulating more education choices, greater competition and real consumer empowerment.
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US Charter Schools Web Site
Developed in conjunction with the United States Department of Education, information on charter schools, including starting and running one. A strong discussion group area and a comprehensive national list of charter schools are available.
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Teachers, Schools, and SocietyOnline Learning Center

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