I. Define interpersonal attraction and explain comparison and exchange reasons why people are thought to affiliate with others.
II. Understand three individual characteristics that have an impact on affiliation, including culture and person-culture interactions.
III. List and summarize the findings regarding the impact of proximity, familiarity, and anxiety on attraction.
IV. Describe the research on the relationship between anxiety and affiliation.
V. Evaluate the physical attractiveness stereotype, including cross-cultural comparisons, and explain the findings regarding the evaluation of men's and women's bodies.
VI. Describe the impact of social and personal expectations about physical appearance.
VII. Explain the importance of similarity and how balance theory explains these effects on attraction.
VIII. Explain the significance of complementarity and reciprocity in understanding patterns of interpersonal attraction.
IX. Define social anxiety and how the application of the two-factor theory of emotion can help reduce social anxiety.
X. Define loneliness and what is known about the distinguishing characteristics of lonely individuals.
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