animal misbehavior | Operant behavior that deteriorates rather than improves with continued reinforcement.
anxious relationship | The relationship developed between a mother and her infant when the mother is indifferent to her infant.
appetitive structure view | Idea that animal misbehavior represents species-typical foraging and food-handling behaviors, which are elicited by pairing food with the natural cues controlling feeding.
associative learning view of imprinting | The idea that attraction to the imprinting object develops because of its arousal-reducing properties.
behavior systems approach | Timberlake's idea that learning evolved as a modifier of innate behavior systems and functions to change the integration, tuning, instigation, or linkages within a particular system.
concurrent interference | The prevention of learning when a stimulus intervenes between the conditioned and unconditioned stimuli or when a behavior occurs between the operant response and reinforcement.
constraint | When learning occurs less rapidly or less completely than expected.
electrical stimulation of the brain (ESB) | The high levels of instrumental or operant behavior exhibited when responding leads to activation of reinforcement areas of the brain.
imprinting | The development of a social attachment to stimuli experienced during a sensitive period of development.
ingestional neophobia | The avoidance of novel foods.
instinctive drift | When operant behavior deteriorates despite continued reinforcement due to the elicitation of instinctive behaviors.
instinctive view of imprinting | The view that imprinting is a genetically programmed form of learning.
interim behavior | The behavior that follows reinforcement when an animal is reinforced on an interval schedule of reinforcement.
learned-safety theory | The recognition that a food can be safely consumed.
long-delay learning | The association of a flavor with an illness that occurred even several hours after the flavor was consumed.
medial forebrain bundle (MFB) | The area of the limbic system that is part of the brain's reinforcement center.
mesotelencephalic reinforcement system | A central nervous system structure that mediates the influence of reinforcement on behavior.
nigrostriatal pathway | A neural pathway that begins in the substantia nigra and projects to the neostriatum and that serves to facilitate reinforcement-induced enhancement of memory consolidation.
nucleus accumbens (NA) | A basal forebrain structure that plays a significant role in the influence of reinforcement on behavior.
periventricular tract (PVT) | The area of the limbic system that represents the brain's punishment center.
predisposition | Instances where learning occurs more rapidly or in a different form than expected.
schedule-induced aggression | The high levels of aggressive behavior exhibited following reinforcement on an interval schedule.
schedule-induced behavior | The high levels of instinctive behavior that occur following reinforcement on an interval schedule.
schedule-induced polydipsia | The high levels of water consumption following food reinforcement on an interval schedule.
schedule-induced wheel running | The high levels of wheel running following reinforcement on an interval schedule.
secure relationship | The establishment of a strong bond between a mother who is sensitive and responsive to her infant and that infant.
species-specific defense reaction (SSDR) | An instinctive reaction, elicited by signals of danger, that allows the avoidance of an aversive event.
stimulus-bound behavior | Behavior tied to the prevailing environmental conditions and elicited by stimulation of the brain's reinforcement center.
superstitious behavior | A "ritualistic" stereotyped pattern of behavior exhibited during the interval between reinforcements.
tegmentostriatal pathway | A neural pathway that begins in the lateral hypothalamus, goes through the medial forebrain bundle and ventral tegmental area, terminates in the nucleus accumbens, and governs the motivational properties of reinforcers.
terminal behavior | The behavior that just precedes reinforcement when an animal is reinforced on an interval schedule of reinforcement.
ventral tegmental area (VTA) | A structure in the tegmentostriatal reinforcement system that projects to the nucleus accumbens.