1 |  |  The environmental stimulus that ultimately elicits a fixed action pattern is called |
|  | A) | the eliciting stimulus. |
|  | B) | the sign stimulus. |
|  | C) | the innate releasing mechanism. |
|  | D) | the elucidating mechanism. |
2 |  |  The sign stimulus for fighting behavior in the male stickleback fish is |
|  | A) | an erect dorsal fin of the invading male. |
|  | B) | the broad gray stripe on the pectoral fins of the invading male. |
|  | C) | the red belly of the invading male. |
|  | D) | none of the above; male sticklebacks do not respond to sign stimuli. |
3 |  |  When a male stickleback is caught between his territory and that of another male, he experiences two, incompatible sign-stimuli, which elicit opposing actions (flee or attack). In response to these conflicting stimuli, he builds a nest. This behavior is known as |
|  | A) | displacement. |
|  | B) | reaction formation. |
|  | C) | projection. |
|  | D) | rationalization. |
4 |  |  Decreased responsiveness to a specific stimulus declines with repeated exposure to that stimulus. This is known as |
|  | A) | sensitization. |
|  | B) | boredom. |
|  | C) | habituation. |
|  | D) | overshadowing. |
5 |  |  You were extremely nervous the first time you gave an oral presentation. After giving a number of speeches, you are likely to |
|  | A) | become less nervous. |
|  | B) | become even more nervous. |
|  | C) | become a politician. |
|  | D) | a or b |
6 |  |  The startle response may be enhanced while watching a horror movie due to |
|  | A) | sensitization. |
|  | B) | habituation. |
|  | C) | latent inhibition. |
|  | D) | an innate releasing mechanism. |
7 |  |  According to opponent-process theory, drug withdrawal represents |
|  | A) | the A state. |
|  | B) | the B state. |
|  | C) | the C state. |
|  | D) | the D state. |
8 |  |  Which position on learning/motivation would best explain why people jump out of perfectly good airplanes for sport? |
|  | A) | functionalism |
|  | B) | structuralism |
|  | C) | pragmatic deism |
|  | D) | opponent-processes |
9 |  |  The anxiety and apprehension felt prior to a major exam corresponds to which state according to the opponent-process model? |
|  | A) | the B state |
|  | B) | the A state |
|  | C) | the C state |
|  | D) | the D state |
10 |  |  Katcher, Solomon, Turner, LoLordo, Overmeir, and Rescorla found that after many electric shocks, a dog's heart rate dropped below pre-shock levels when shock was terminated. Which state is represented by the reduction in heart rate? |
|  | A) | the A state |
|  | B) | the B state |
|  | C) | the C state |
|  | D) | the D state |
11 |  |  The recovery of a habituated response when a sensitizing stimulus is presented is called |
|  | A) | external inhibition. |
|  | B) | sensory excitation. |
|  | C) | dishabituation. |
|  | D) | disinhibition. |
12 |  |  In Lorenz's (1950) energy model, an internal block exists for every fixed action pattern preventing its occurrence. When the appropriate sign stimulus is encountered, this block is removed by the |
|  | A) | innate releasing mechanism. |
|  | B) | sensitizing stimulus. |
|  | C) | action-specific energy. |
|  | D) | opponent B state. |
13 |  |  If the A state is aversive, then the B state is |
|  | A) | also aversive. |
|  | B) | pleasant. |
|  | C) | neutral. |
|  | D) | disturbing. |
14 |  |  Habituation is modified by |
|  | A) | the time between stimulus presentations. |
|  | B) | changes in the stimulus properties. |
|  | C) | stimulus intensity. |
|  | D) | all of the above |
15 |  |  You experience intense anxiety as a result of a severe pain coursing down your left arm combined with substantial pressure on your chest. Convinced that you are having a heart attack, you rush to the ER, where you are diagnosed with acute indigestion. You leave the ER happier than you have been in years. What is the B state in this situation? |
|  | A) | happiness |
|  | B) | anxiety |
|  | C) | pain |
|  | D) | indigestion |