|  Learning: Principles and Applications, 4/e Stephen B Klein,
Mississippi State University
Principles And Applications Of Pavlovian Conditioning
Chapter Outline
Chapter Outline
The Conditioning Paradigm
Basic Components
In classical (or Pavlovian) conditioning,
there are four important elements. In a
normal conditioning experiment, these
include the pairing of a conditioned
stimulus (CS)followed by the unconditioned
stimulus (UCS). The UCS innately elicits an
unconditioned response (UCR), which is
known as the unconditioned reflex. After
CS-UCS pairings in training, the CS comes
to elicit the conditioned response (CR),
which is evidence for the conditioned
reflex. The CR becomes stronger with more
CS-UCS trials until it reaches asymptotic
The Conditioning of Hunger
Conditioned hunger develops when a CS is
followed by the occurrence of a deprivation
condition, such as hunger, the CS acquires
the ability to elicit hunger and feeding
The Conditioning of Fear
When a CS is followed by the occurrence of
a painful event, the CS acquires the
ability to elicit fear and motivates the
avoidance of adversity.
Other Examples of Conditioned Responses
The conditioning process is so pervasive
that virtually any response of the body can
be elicited by CSs that have been paired
with UCSs. In many situations, more than
one CR is conditioned.
Conditioning Situations: Several techniques are
used to measure the level of classical
Brown and Jenkins conducted the first sign
tracking experiment known as autoshaping.
The researchers found that pigeons would
peck a key light presented shortly before
the delivery of food. The response to the
key light occurred even though no activity
was required to produce the food.
Eyeblink Conditioning
Eyeblink conditioning develops when rabbits
receive repeated presentations of a tone CS
and an air puff UCS delivered to the cornea
of the eye, the tone CS will elicit a
conditioned blink response. Strength of
conditioning can be measured by computing
the CR probability over trials.
Fear Conditioning
Fear conditioning is demonstrated in the
conditioned emotional response (CER)
paradigm. In this situation, a CS
previously associated with shock, is
presented while a rat is performing an
instrumental response for food. The
suppression of the instrumental behavior is
assumed to reflect the influence of fear
conditioning attached to the CS, and a
suppression ratio can be computed as the
number of responses during the CS compared
to the number of responses during the CS
plus the number of responses without the
CS. A suppression ratio of 0.5 indicates
that fear has not been conditioned, and a
ratio of 0.0 indicates complete suppression
of behavior or complete fear.
Flavor Aversion Learning
Animals can learn to associate a flavor
with illness. For example, if rats taste
saccharin and then are made sick, they
acquire a flavor aversion and subsequently
avoid the taste of the saccharin. The
strength of the aversion is reflective of
the classical conditioning process.
Conditioning Paradigms: There are five different
paradigms or procedures that are commonly used in
Pavlovian conditioning. They differ with respect to
how a CS is paired with a UCS.
Delayed Conditioning
In delayed conditioning, the onset of the
CS precedes the onset of the UCS and
termination of the CS occurs either with
the onset of the UCS or during UCS
Trace Conditioning
In trace conditioning, the CS is presented
and terminated prior to the onset of the
Simultaneous Conditioning
In simultaneous conditioning, the CS and
the UCS have onsets at the same time.
Backward Conditioning
In backward conditioning, the UCS is
presented and terminated before the onset
of the CS.
Temporal Conditioning
In temporal conditioning, the UCS is
presented at regular time intervals
allowing the timing of the UCS to serve as
the CS eliciting the CR.
Conditions Affecting the Acquisition of a
Conditioned Response: CS and UCS pairings do not
automatically insure that a CR will be acquired.
Several variables determine whether conditioning
will be successful.
Contiguity refers to the closeness in time
between the deliveries of the CS and the
The Optimal CS-UCS Interval
The optimal CS-UCS interval. For each
response system, there is an optimal time
between the onsets of the CS and UCS that
supports conditioning.
A Bridge Between the CS and the UCS
If a second stimulus is presented between
the onset of the CS and the onset of the
UCS, conditioning will occur despite a long
temporal separation between the CS and UCS
Long-delay Learning
In flavor-aversion learning, an aversion
develops to a CS paired with illness
despite long intervals between the onset of
the CS and the onset of the illness.
The Influence of Intensity
CS Intensity
In general, increases in the intensity of
the CS support higher levels of
conditioning. Also, presentations of loud
and soft auditory CSs can raise the level
of conditioning to the loud CS and reduce
the level to the soft CS.
UCS Intensity
The strength of the CR increases with more
intense UCSs.
The Salience of the CS
Seligman proposed that evolution has shaped
how sensitive species are to various CSs.
With some CSs, learning occurs rapidly,
demonstrating preparedness. For other CSs,
learning is essentially impossible,
demonstrating contrapreparedness. Salience
refers to the tendency for a CS to be
associated with a particular UCS.
The Predictiveness of the CS
The ability of a CS to elicit a CR depends
not only on its pairing with the UCS, but
also its ability to predict the UCS. Cue
predictiveness is degraded if the CS
sometimes is not followed by the UCS or if
there is a second, more predictive CS.
UCS-Alone Presentations
Similarly, if the UCS sometimes occurs
without the CS, learning is degraded.
CS-Alone Presentations
Even when groups are given the same number
of CS-UCS trials, learning is degraded if
the CS is presented without the UCS during
The Redundancy of the CS
If a CS is first trained to elicit a CR,
and then that CS plus another CS are
simultaneously presented before the UCS,
the first CS can block conditioning to the
second. This occurs because the second CS
provides no new information for the animal.
CR that is elicited in a variety of environmental
situations can come to occur in only one situation, a
process called stimulus narrowing, and involves extinction
of the conditioned response.
Extinction Paradigm: Extinction is a method that
can eliminate CRs. After first conditioning a CS to
elicit a CR, subsequently delivering the CS without
the UCS extinguishes the CR.
How Rapidly Does a Conditioned Response Extinguish?
The Strength of the CR
Three factors influence the extinction of
the CR. One is the strength of
conditioning. In general, the stronger the
CS-CR bond, the slower the extinction of
the CR. However, the correlation between
the CR acquisition level and the resistance
to extinction is not perfect.
The Influence of Predictiveness
When the CS is occasionally presented alone
during acquisition, resistance to
extinction is increased.
Duration of CS
Exposure As the duration of the CS exposure
in extinction increases, the strength of
the CR weakens.
Spontaneous Recovery: Pavlov proposed that the
extinction of the CR is caused by an inhibition
process. Furthermore, the inhibitory state is only
temporary allowing the return of the CR following
extinction (spontaneous recovery). However,
long-term extinction prevents the occurrence of
spontaneous recovery.
Other Inhibitory Processes: The inhibition of the
CR can become permanent, a process Pavlov called
conditioned inhibition.
Conditioned Inhibition
Conditioned inhibition is the ability of a
stimulus (CS-) associated with the absence
of the UCS to suppress responding to the
External Inhibition
External inhibition occurs when a novel
stimulus is presented during conditioning
and interferes with the occurrence of the
Latent Inhibition
Latent inhibition retards conditioning of a
CS. The procedure involves presenting the
CS alone before the CS is paired with the
UCS. But because CS preexposure also
retards the development of conditioned
inhibition, it is not clear just what is
learned during CS preexposure.
Inhibition of Delay
The absence of responding to the CS until
the end of the CS-UCS interval was called
by Pavlov inhibition of delay.
During extinction trials, the CR is
stronger when a novel CS is presented, a
process called disinhibition.
Several procedures exist that allow a CS, never directly
paired with an UCS, to elicit a CR. These procedures
include higher-order conditioning, sensory preconditioning,
and vicarious conditioning.
Higher-Order Conditioning
The Higher-Order Conditioning Paradigm
A CS1 that has previously been paired with
a UCS can support conditioning to a second
CS (CS2) when the CS2 and CSl are paired
together. Thus CS2, never directly paired
with the UCS, still elicits a CR. This is
higher-order conditioning.
Research on Higher-Order
Conditioning Higher-order conditioning is
weaker than original (first-order)
conditioning. Rescorla's research suggests
that during second-order conditioning, the
CS2-CS1 pairings not only condition CS2 to
elicit the CR (excitation), but they also
condition inhibition of the CR because the
UCS is absent. Thus, as second-order
conditioning trials proceed, there is
initial excitatory conditioning of CS2, but
eventually there is increased conditioned
Sensory Preconditioning
The Sensory Preconditioning Paradigm
The procedure for sensory preconditioning
requires three phases. In phase 1, CS2 and
CS1 are paired together. In phase 2, CS1 is
paired with an US for conditioning. In
phase 3, CS2 is presented alone and elicits
the CR previously evoked by CSl.
Research on Sensory
Preconditioning Reliable sensory
preconditioning occurs if, during the
preliminary CS2-CS1 trials, the two CSs are
separated by several seconds, and if there
are only a few CS2-CS1 trials.
Vicarious Conditioning
Research on Vicarious Conditioning
A CR can develop to a CS if a person
observes another person experiencing the
CS-UCS pairing. This is termed vicarious
conditioning, and has also been observed in
The Importance of Arousal
Vicarious conditioning requires that the
observer be at least somewhat emotionally
aroused while observing the CS-UCS pairing
in the other person.
Systematic Desensitization: Systematic
desensitization is a therapy based on Pavlovian
conditioning procedures that can be effective in
the elimination of conditioned fear and the
reduction of phobic behavior.
Original Animal Studies
A central feature of systematic
desensitization is a counterconditioning
procedure, which involves the elimination
of a CR when the CS is paired with an
opponent or antagonistic UCS. According to
Wolpe, the extinction is successful due to
reciprocal inhibition, which assumes that
only one emotional state can be experienced
at a time. Wolpe first trained cats to fear
an environment where a buzzer CS signalled
shock. By letting the cats eat food in
similar environments, the animals
eventually lost their fear.
Clinical Treatment
Therapy involves cue-controlled relaxation
in which the relaxation response is
conditioned to a specific environmental
event. Therapy also involves the
construction of thematic hierarchies which
refers to a listing of fear-inducing
situations that are related to a basic
theme. Additionally, a spatial-temporal
hierarchy, which is a listing of activities
related to a phobic object on the basis of
time or physical distance, is also used. By
remaining relaxed while imagining the
lowest item in the hierarchy, the fear to
that situation or object is
counterconditioned. By then
counterconditioning situations higher in
the hierarchy, all situations may be
Clinical Effectiveness
To test the effectiveness of the treatment,
the individual must encounter the feared
object. Treatment is effective to the
extent that the person can tolerate the
once-feared object or situation. For the
therapy to work, patients must be able to
imagine feared items on their hierarchy of
feared situations. Virtual reality
technology may enhance the success of
systematic desensitization.
Explorations for the Future
An Intense Craving
A drug addict experiences
withdrawal after a period of abstinence.
Additionally, environmental cues (CSs) that
were previously paired with drug use can
elicit conditioned withdrawal reactions.
Thus, curing addictions might require
extinction of these responses.
The Conditioning of Immune System Suppression
Ader and Cohen have demonstrated that
Pavlovian procedures can produce
conditioned immune system suppression.
Their findings have important implications
for the treatment of autoimmune disorders,
such as lupus, in which the immune system
is overactive. In other disorders, such as
AIDS, in which the immune system is
underactive, it may be possible to produce
conditioned immune system enhancement.