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Learning: Principles and Applications, 4/e
Stephen B Klein, Mississippi State University

Principles And Applications Of Appetitive Conditioning

Multiple Choice Quiz


A specified relationship between behavior and reinforcement is known as a(n)
A)contiguous relationship.
B)contingent relationship.
C)oppositional relationship.
D)mutual relationship.

According to Skinner, a reinforcer is any event that
A)increases a behavior.
B)decreases a behavior.
C)makes a person happy.
D)is satisfying.

Skinner defines an operant behavior as that which is
A)elicited by environmental stimuli.
B)a result of S-R associations.
C)emitted by the organism.

A primary reinforcer is one that
A)is innately reinforcing.
B)results from learning.
C)reduces a drive.
D)reduces pain.

Taking aspirin to relieve the pain of a headache probably developed through
A)classical conditioning.
B)instrumental conditioning and primary negative reinforcement.
C)instrumental conditioning and primary positive reinforcement.
D)operant conditioning.

Whenever Kendra's dog whines at the door to go out she says "good dog" and pets the dog. The word "good" becomes a secondary reinforcer through the process of
A)classical conditioning.
B)operant conditioning.
C)instrumental conditioning.
D)vicarious conditioning.

Instrumental and operant conditioning both require that
A)the subject make a response in order for reinforcement to occur.
B)the subject be free to respond at any time and receive reinforcement.
C)the subject be constrained in making a response for reinforcement.
D)a pleasurable event be used as the CS.

You are expecting an important letter in the mail. As the regular delivery time approaches, you glance more and more frequently out the window, searching for the mail carrier. This behavior is typical of which schedule of reinforcement?
A)Fixed Ratio
B)Fixed Interval
C)Differential Reinforcement for Other response
D)Variable Ratio

Providing a walrus with an edible "walrus treat" after it performs the appropriate task and thereby increasing the occurrence of that task is an example of
A)primary negative reinforcement.
B)secondary negative reinforcement.
C)secondary positive reinforcement.
D)primary positive reinforcement.

Successfully starting a car that has a flooded engine requires the use of which reinforcement schedule?
A)Fixed Interval
B)Differential Reinforcement for Other response
C)Differential Reinforcement for Low response rate
D)Differential Reinforcement for High response rate

In order to extinguish a response maintained by reinforcement, you would
A)present the CS without presenting the US.
B)stop reinforcing the behavior when it occurred.
C)punish the behavior when it occurred.
D)present the US without the UCR.

Which of the following schedules would most likely produce the greatest resistance to extinction?
A)Fixed Ratio-10
B)Fixed Interval-10
C)Variable Ratio-10
D)Differential Reinforcement for High response rate

For years, you have worked for 15 shiboigans per hour. Most people earn 10 shiboigans per hour. Due to economic hardship, your salary is reduced to 10 shiboigans per hour. According to the negative contrast effect, what should occur?
A)You will work even harder.
B)You will reduce your work quality so that it is equal to those who've always earned 10 shiboigans.
C)You will reduce your work quality so that it is below those who've always earned 10 shiboigans.
D)You will resign and take a job that pays 5 shiboigans per hour.

To teach a complex behavior, one should use
B)classical conditioning.
D)contingency management.

The first phase of contingency management is
A)contingency contracting.
C)program evaluation.