|  Learning: Principles and Applications, 4/e Stephen B Klein,
Mississippi State University
Traditional Learning Theories
Chapter Outline
Chapter Outline
Two types of theories explain the learning process.
Historically older, S-R (stimulus-response) theorists adopt
assumptions that learning involves more or less automatic
"mechanistic" processes that permit adaptive
changes to the environment. More recently, cognitive
theorists suggest that higher-order (mentalistic) processes
are involved in learning.
The S-R theorists can be divided into two major theoretical
approaches to how learning occurs. One class assumes that
learning occurs only when reward is provided. The other
assumes that S-R contiguity is the only requirement for
learning to occur.
Hull's Drive Theory: Based on Woodworth's earlier
assumption that drive motivates behavior, Hull
proposed a theory of learning that intended to
create a mathematical equation for predicting
behavior. The equation predicted behavioral
potential, and predictor variables included drive,
incentive motivation, habit strength, and
inhibition. Prediction of behavior depends upon
knowing the various values in the equation.
Unconditioned Sources of Drive
Some drives are triggered by internal
deprivation conditions such as a lack of
food or water for a period of time. This
type of drive is unlearned and is termed
Acquired Drives
Other drives can develop through Pavlovian
conditioning. Environmental cues that
reliably predict a deprivation condition
can come to elicit an acquired drive, or
conditioned drive, state. This type of
drive learned, is called habit strength,
and is termed SHR.
The Reinforcing Function of Drive Reduction
Habit strength develops through learning,
and depends upon how often a response
decreases drive. Thus, learning depends
upon the reduction of the drive state.
The Elimination of Unsuccessful Behavior
If drive persists, all behaviors are
inhibited for a time, a process called
reactive inhibition. After time, the
habitual behavior occurs again and if not
reinforced (if it does not reduce drive),
it leads to conditioned inhibition of that
particular response. But because drive is
still high, other behaviors in the habit
hierarchy are activated until one of them
reduces drive and is thus reinforced.
Incentive Motivation: Hull recognized that
different reinforcers have different motivational
value. That is, some large or rich reinforcers have
greater incentive motivation than smaller or poorer
reinforcers. Further, animals can learn about cues
that predict different reinforcers, and these
learned cues thus acquire conditioned properties
that can motivate behavior.
Spence's Acquired Motive Approach: Hull assumed
that drive reduction and reward were synonymous.
However, studies of the rewarding properties of
electrical stimulation of brain (Olds & Milner,
1954) and of drive induction (Sheffield, 1966)
posed problems for Hull's theory. Spence refined
Hull's S-R approach to account for these
The Anticipation of Reward
Spence suggested that a reward elicits an
unconditioned goal response (RG), an
internal response, which then produces an
internal stimulus state (SG) that increases
motivation and is similar to drive. Early
in learning, the cues present at the time
of reward are associated with reward and
create a conditioned or anticipatory goal
response (rG), which causes internal
stimulus changes (sG) that motivate
approach behavior, which increases arousal.
By assuming that reward intensity
determines a more intense rG than less
intense rewards, and that animals associate
various stimuli with responses that reduce
drive, Spence's theory extended Hull's S-R
theory to explain how behavior changes in
predictable ways with different rewards.
Avoidance of Frustrating Events
Amsel suggested that the absence of
expected reward generates frustration,
which motivates avoidance behavior, and
also suppresses approach behavior. The
internal, unconditioned frustration state
(RF) motivates the animal and produces
internal stimulus states (SF). Cues present
during frustration become conditioned to
produce an anticipatory frustration
response (rF), and produce internal
frustration stimuli (sF) that motivate
avoidance of frustrating situations.
The Avoidance of Painful Events: Hull's theory
suffered in the 1930's because of research showing
that animals learn to avoid aversive events,
perhaps because of cognitive processes. Mowrer
extended drive-based theory to account for this
Two-Factor Theory of Avoidance Learning
Mowrer proposed a two-factor theory of
avoidance learning. The theory assumes that
subjects are motivated to escape fear and
are not performing on the basis of the
future expectation of an aversive event.
Thus, the first factor of the theory
assumes that fear is conditioned to
environmental cues that precede the
occurrence of the aversive event. The
conditioned fear motivates the occurrence
of an escape response that serves to
terminate the CS. The second factor of the
theory holds that the removal of the cue
eliciting fear serves to reinforce the
behavior. Thus, escaping from a CS that
elicits fear serves as the means to avoid
the aversive event.
Criticisms of Two-Factor Theory
Several problems have been noted with
Mowrer's two-factor theory of avoidance
conditioning. First, avoidance responding
can be extremely resistant to extinction.
Second, fear is apparently absent when the
avoidance response is well practiced.
Finally, avoidance behavior can be learned
in situations such as the Sidman avoidance
task, where there is no external CS
preceding the delivery of the aversive
D'Amato's View of Avoidance Learning
D'Amato's theory assumes that the
prevention of the aversive event is
important in avoidance conditioning.
According to D'Amato, the aversive event
elicits an unconditioned pain
response(RP)that has a stimulus consequence
(sP). The painful stimulus consequence
serves to motivate escape from the aversive
event. When the aversive event terminates,
the subject experiences an unconditioned
relief response (RR) which also has a
stimulus consequence (SR). Through
conditioning, environmental CSs come to
elicit an anticipatory pain response (rP)
with a stimulus aftereffect (SP). The rP-sP
mechanism motivates an escape response from
the environmental CSs. Other environmental
CSs become associated with the termination
of the aversive event leading to the
conditioning of an anticipatory relief
response(rR) with its rewarding stimulus
consequence (rs). The cues associated with
conditioned relief provide a second
motivational base for avoidance learning.
Nature of Anticipatory Behavior: Spence suggested
that conditioned anticipatory responses (rG) were
peripheral nervous system events, but Rescorla and
Solomon suggested an important role for the central
nervous system.
Guthrie's Contiguity View: Guthrie suggested that
animals learn to associate stimuli and responses
merely through their contiguity. Learning, in other
words, depended on a response occurring close in
time to particular stimuli. Reward was not
Impact of Reward
The function of reward according to Guthrie
is not to strengthen the S-R connection as
Hull proposed, but rather simply to change
the stimulus (S) situation. When an animal
is rewarded, the stimulus is changed,
thereby preserving the previous S-R
The Function of Punishment
According to Guthrie, punishing stimuli
elicit other responses, any one of which
may become associated with the preceding
The Importance of Practice
Guthrie thought that learning of S-R
connections occurs in one trial only. The
fact that learned behavior changes with
practice is due, he said, to animals
attending to different aspects of the
stimulus environment on each trial, and/or
to associating different components of a
complicated response with the stimuli on
each trial.
An Evaluation of Contiguity Theory
Guthrie did not provide much empirical
evidence for his theory. Later research
confirmed the importance of contiguity and
other aspects of Guthrie's theory, but
other research has failed to confirm other
predictions of the theory.
Tolman's Purposive Behaviorism: Tolman proposed a
more cognitive theory of learning that was not
accepted well in the 1930's and 1940's when Hull's
theory was predominant. Tolman's approach
represents a forerunner to current ideas about
learning found in cognitive psychology.
Flexibility of Behavior
In contrast to Hull who believed that
learning was automatic and involved S-R
associations, Tolman believed that
organisms' behaviors are purposive and
goal-directed. He emphasized the role of
expectancies in guiding behavior and the
ability of cues to convey information about
where our goals are located.
Motivation Processes
Tolman proposed two motivational principles
that are parallel to processes in Hull's
theory. One principle was based on
deprivation (drive) that produces an
internal drive state that increases demand
for the goal object. Second, environmental
events can be associated with this demand.
This process is called cathexis, and can
motivate either approach behavior (positive
cathexis) or avoidance (negative cathexis).
Tolman's equivalence belief principle,
analogous to Spence's anticipatory goal
concept, explains how animals learn about
and respond to secondary reinforcers (e.g.,
Is Reward Necessary for Learning?
According to Tolman, reward is not
necessary for learning to occur; however,
reward is necessary as a motivating
condition for the occurrence of learned
An Evaluation of Purposive Behaviorism
Hull and Tolman were contemporaries and
Hull's theory enjoyed more popularity.
However, Tolman forced Hull to make
theoretical modifications that attempted to
account for the purposive nature of
behavior in mechanistic terms. In more
modern times, the cognitive approach
inspired by Tolman has gained wide appeal
in the understanding of the learning
Expectancy-Value Theory: Tolman's theory was the
basis for Rotter's expectancy-value theory.
Basic Tenets
There are three main ideas in Rotter's
theory. First is the assumption that
preference for a particular event is
determined by its reward value, which is
itself determined by comparison with
experience with other rewards. Second, each
individual has a subjective expectation
concerning the probability of obtaining a
particular reward. Third, previous
experiences with the reward in various
situations govern our expectation that it
can be obtained in a particular
Locus of Control
Locus of control refers to an individual's
beliefs about how rewards are obtained. An
internal expectancy refers to beliefs that
one's own actions/abilities are important,
whereas an external expectancy refers to
beliefs that outside forces/situations
determine when rewards will be delivered.
An Evaluation of Rotter's Expectancy-Value
Based on Tolman's earlier theorizing,
Rotter emphasized that learning and
behavior is often determined more by
cognitive processes than by the external
and biological events that were emphasized
by drive theory.
Skinner has been a major influence on learning theory and
our understanding of how to predict and control behavior.
He believed that the best way to study behavior is to
understand how the environment, including reinforcers,
control responding. His approach to behavior is sometimes
known as behavior modification.
The Importance of the Environment: Skinner
developed a methodology, called operant
conditioning, to study how environmental conditions
control behavior. Skinner was most concerned with
determining how reinforcement controls behavior. He
defined a reinforcer as an environmental event that
increases the probability of a response. The
relationship between an operant response and a
reinforcer is termed contingency. Skinner suggested
that even very complex behavior, such as language,
is controlled by various contingencies.
The Role of Theory?: Skinner eschewed theory. He
believed that research should be devoted to
identifying the relationships between changes in
the environment and changes in behavior. Many
others do not agree that theory interferes with the
progress of behavior analysis.