|  Reading and All That Jazz: Tuning Up Your Reading, Thinking, and Study Skills, 2/e Peter Mather,
Glendale Community College Rita McCarthy,
Glendale Community College
Web Links
Jim Hensen, who was the creator of the Muppets and the voice of Kermit the Frog, died from a drug-resistant infection produced by Group A streptococcus or GAS for short. To find out more information about this disease, go to the following Web site:
| http://www.astdhpphe.org/infect/strepa.html
Reading Selection: Inside the Vicious Heart
Find out more about the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C. by visiting its website. The museum maintains an online exhibit.
| http://www.ushmm.org
Reading Selection: Thomas Broderick, by Tom BrokawThe Braille Institute, founded in 1919, has provided services to people who are visually impaired. Consult its website.
| http://www.brailleinstitute.org
Congress passed, and President George W. Bush signed, legislation approving construction of the National World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C. The controversial memorial is to be located between the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial. It is dedicated to all who served in World War II and all other citizens, corporations, and foundations who helped in the war effort. To obtain more information about the memorial, go to this website.
| http:/www.wwiimemorial.com