1 |  |  Sexual behaviors usually progress in the following order: |
|  | A) | kissing, oral sex, necking. |
|  | B) | petting, necking, kissing. |
|  | C) | intercourse, sexual adventure, oral sex. |
|  | D) | necking, petting, |
2 |  |  A __________ is a pattern involving stereotyped role prescriptions for how individuals should behave sexually. |
|  | A) | sexual bias |
|  | B) | sexual schema |
|  | C) | sexual role |
|  | D) | sexual script |
3 |  |  Irresponsible sexual behavior such as unprotected intercourse is probably a reflection of |
|  | A) | cognitive immaturity. |
|  | B) | hostility against parental limits. |
|  | C) | vulnerability. |
|  | D) | parental stress or divorce. |
4 |  |  An individual sexually attracted to both females and males is |
|  | A) | bisexual. |
|  | B) | homosexual. |
|  | C) | heterosexual. |
|  | D) | transsexual. |
5 |  |  The most frequent sexual outlet for an adolescent is |
|  | A) | oral sex. |
|  | B) | sexual fantasy. |
|  | C) | masturbation. |
|  | D) | sexual intercourse. |
6 |  |  As a drug store clerk, you are not at all surprised to find that condom sales are made most often to |
|  | A) | older adolescents. |
|  | B) | female adolescents. |
|  | C) | younger adolescents. |
|  | D) | sexually inactive adolescents. |
7 |  |  Compared to those who wait to have children until they are in their mid- to late twenties, adolescent parents |
|  | A) | have a better chance of staying married. |
|  | B) | are less lonely. |
|  | C) | have fewer children throughout their adult lives. |
|  | D) | have lower incomes. |
8 |  |  Infants born to adolescent mothers are more likely to |
|  | A) | be overweight. |
|  | B) | have an average survival rate. |
|  | C) | bond with their mothers. |
|  | D) | have low birth weights. |
9 |  |  Sexually transmitted diseases are defined as those contracted through |
|  | A) | vaginal intercourse. |
|  | B) | vaginal intercourse and oral-genital contact. |
|  | C) | oral-genital and anal-genital contact. |
|  | D) | oral-genital and anal-genital contact and vaginal intercourse. |
10 |  |  The most fatal sexually transmitted disease caused by a bacterium is |
|  | A) | syphilis. |
|  | B) | herpes. |
|  | C) | AIDS. |
|  | D) | gonorrhea. |
11 |  |  The most common sexually transmitted disease among adolescents is |
|  | A) | chlamydia. |
|  | B) | herpes. |
|  | C) | syphilis. |
|  | D) | gonorrhea. |
12 |  |  If you come into intimate sexual contact with an infected person, your risk of contracting the disease is greatest for |
|  | A) | gonorrhea. |
|  | B) | syphilis. |
|  | C) | herpes. |
|  | D) | AIDS. |
13 |  |  According to comparative studies, the rate of AIDS among adolescents is |
|  | A) | higher than adult rates. |
|  | B) | about the same as adult rates. |
|  | C) | lower than adult rates. |
|  | D) | not directly compared with adult rates. |
14 |  |  According to the text, the average time between contracting the HIV infection and development of illness is |
|  | A) | six months. |
|  | B) | ten years. |
|  | C) | five to seven years. |
|  | D) | three years. |
15 |  |  _________ are usually the main source of an adolescent's sexual information. |
|  | A) | Parents |
|  | B) | Schools |
|  | C) | Peers |
|  | D) | Literature |
16 |  |  Which of the following statements concerning sex education in the schools is accurate? |
|  | A) | The majority of adults in the United States do not approve of sex education in the schools. |
|  | B) | Sex education programs are more likely to appear in high schools and junior high schools than elementary schools. |
|  | C) | The emphasis in sex education classes is on contraception and variations in sexual behavior. |
|  | D) | Most sex education programs consist of full-semester courses on human sexuality. |
17 |  |  Belinda's boyfriend used a variety of psychological ploys and physical behaviors to coerce her into having sex, even though she had said no to him. This is referred to as ______ rape. |
|  | A) | power |
|  | B) | sexual |
|  | C) | controlling |
|  | D) | acquaintance |
18 |  |  The factor that is most important in facilitating the recovery from rape is |
|  | A) | physical health. |
|  | B) | retaliation against the rapist. |
|  | C) | resumption of consensual sexual relations. |
|  | D) | social support. |
19 |  |  The Young Men's Sexuality Awareness program seeks to encourage |
|  | A) | affection without intercourse. |
|  | B) | intercourse with affection. |
|  | C) | fund raising for elective abortions. |
|  | D) | adolescent males to marry their sex partners. |
20 |  |  The purpose of sex education programs in such countries as Holland and Sweden is to _____ the experience of adolescent sexuality. |
|  | A) | promote |
|  | B) | discourage |
|  | C) | demystify |
|  | D) | simplify |