 |  Adolescence, 9/e John W. Santrock,
University of Texas, Dallas
Web Links (Referenced in Text Margins) |  |  | Sexuality Research Information Service
This new on line resource provides recent information about several different areas of sexuality, including adolescent sexual behavior. |
 |  |  | National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
Includes general information about gays and lesbians, press releases, publications, and links to other related web sites. |
 |  |  | Lesbian and Gay Issues
The website of the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network that includes a resource library. |
 |  |  | Adolescent Pregnancy
The web site of the Resource Center for Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention with a wide range of information, including recent research and resources. |
 |  |  | Teen Pregnancy Reduction Initiative
This clearinghouse of teen pregnancy prevention has descriptions of model programs, culturally specific information, and answers to frequently asked questions. |
 |  |  | Teen Pregnancy Reduction Initiative
This clearinghouse of teen pregnancy prevention has descriptions of model programs, culturally specific information, and answers to frequently asked questions. |
 |  |  | Teen Pregnancy Reduction Initiative
This clearinghouse of teen pregnancy prevention has descriptions of model programs, culturally specific information, and answers to frequently asked questions. |
 |  |  | CDC National Prevention Network
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention's website on STDs and AIDS with extensive information about these topics. |
 |  |  | American Social Health Association
One of the best web sites for information about sexually transmitted diseases. Includes information about a number of hotlines regarding STDs. |
 |  |  | Sexually Transmitted Diseases Resources
This Ask NOAH web site on STDs has a wealth of information about the basics on STDs, prevention, statistics, a wide range of STDs, and treatment. |
 |  |  | Sexually Transmitted Diseases Resources
This Ask NOAH web site on STDs has a wealth of information about the basics on STDs, prevention, statistics, a wide range of STDs, and treatment. |
 |  |  | Sexually Transmitted Diseases Resources
This Ask NOAH web site on STDs has a wealth of information about the basics on STDs, prevention, statistics, a wide range of STDs, and treatment. |
 |  |  | Adolescents' STD Knowledge
This website describes the Kaiser Family Foundation Survey of STDs in adolescence; explore what adolescents know and don't (but should) know about STDs. |
 |  |  | Preventing STDs in Adolescence
Read about strategies for preventing STDs in adolescence with detailed information on the use of condoms. |
 |  |  | Syphilis
Explore what syphilis involves, its transmission, symptoms, and prevention. |
 |  |  | Chlamydia
Learn more about what chlamydia is, getting tested, treatment, and other aspects of this STD. |
 |  |  | Genital Herpes
Read about the symptoms of genital herpes, recurrences, treatment, complications, and other aspects of this STD. |
 |  |  | HIVInfo Web
This web site has a wide range of information about HIV/AIDS, including prevention and treatment. |
 |  |  | Center for AIDS Prevention Studies
Explore various prevention studies, such as the Young Asian Men's Study; links to other HIV/AIDS sites are provided. |
 |  |  | HIV/STD Education
Emphasis is given to HIV/AIDS and STD awareness. Peer educators and facts sheets are discussed. |
 |  |  | HIV/STD Education
Emphasis is given to HIV/AIDS and STD awareness. Peer educators and facts sheets are discussed. |
 |  |  | HIV/STD Education
Emphasis is given to HIV/AIDS and STD awareness. Peer educators and facts sheets are discussed. |
 |  |  | Signs of HIV Infection in Females
This article by the coordinator of the New Jersey Women and AIDS Network describes some possible indicators of HIV infection in females. |
 |  |  | Sexual Assault
Provides a number of links to information about many aspects of sexual assault, including acquaintance rape, counseling, prevention, and women's resources. |
 |  |  | Sexual Harassment
Explore many aspects of sexual harassment, such as how to avoid it, counseling, sexual harassment at work and at school, and resources. |
 |  |  | Sexual Harassment
Explore many aspects of sexual harassment, such as how to avoid it, counseling, sexual harassment at work and at school, and resources. |
 |  |  | Sexual Harassment in Schools
This National Education Association web site examines various aspects of sexual harassment in schools. |
 |  |  | SIECUS
The web site of the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS) with descriptions of programs, international activities, information for parents, publications, and extensive connections to related web sites. |
 |  |  | Does Sex Education Work?
This web site at the U. of California-San Francisco explores why adolescents need sex education and how it can be improved. |
 |  |  | Abstinence
Read a recent SIECUS report on the role of abstinence in the lives of adolescents. |