1. Parents can be are a valuable resource for adolescents who need to cope with the extreme stress, such as that which often is felt when parents divorce, when the adolescent must deal with the death of a friend or family member, or when a disaster occurs. Devise a list of tips that parents can use to help their adolescents cope with extreme stress. http://www.adolescenthealth.org 2. All parents must determine how to discipline their children. Discipline techniques used during childhood may have important implications for adolescent development and behavior. What would you advise parents about spanking their children? Does it have important consequences of later adolescent behavior? http://geoparent.com/family/techniques/spanking.htm 3. Some evidence suggests that the way we parent is influenced by how our parents parented us. How did your parents rear you? What was their style? Will yours be the same? http://www.canadianparents.com/articles/feature25c.htm |