 |  Adolescence, 9/e John W. Santrock,
University of Texas, Dallas
Web Links (Referenced in Text Margins)Parents' and Adolescents' Expectations
Explore changes in family needs and functions, parent-adolescent communication, parent-adolescent conflict, and other topics in parent-adolescent relationships. |
 |  |  | Parenting Adolescents
This web site provides advice for parents of adolescents; includes a question of the week and its answer as well as many resources such as books and links to other related sites. |
 |  |  | Exploring Parent-Adolescent Relationships
Many parent-adolescent topics are examined including communication, education, finances, and others; an on-line forum is available and links to other related sites are provided. |
 |  |  | Parent-Adolescent Conflict
Explore what to do when adolescents are defiant, disrespectful, angry, drink, hang out with the wrong crowd, and engage in behaviors that contribute to parent-adolescent conflict. |
 |  |  | Families as Asset Builders
The Search Institute's web site on families that focuses on strategies for strengthening families' relationships with their adolescents. |
 |  |  | Adolescents and Divorce
Read about a parenting program, study a parent handbook, explore divorce and finances, study parenting after divorce, and many other divorce-related topics. |
 |  |  | For Adolescents: Dealing with Parents' Divorce
This web site provides adolescents with improved understanding of what is happening when their parents divorce and how they can effectively cope with it. |
 |  |  | Single Fathers
Explores ways that single fathers can be effective parents; links to related web sites are provided. |
 |  |  | Single Fathers
Explores ways that single fathers can be effective parents; links to related web sites are provided. |
 |  |  | Stepfamily Resources
Explore many issues on stepfamilies. |
 |  |  | Step Fathers
Explore links to material on stepfathers. |
 |  |  | Family Diversity
Explore such topics as "Portraits of multiracial families" and other exhibits on family diversity. |
 |  |  | Issues Involving Mothers
Examine a number of topics involving mothers, including mother-daughter relationships, friendship, myths about working mothers, and thinking mothers. |
 |  |  | Fathering
The National Center for Fathering web site with extensive information about the father's role. |
 |  |  | The Fatherhood Project
The Bank Street College of Education's project with extensive information about fathers, including juggling family and work, parenting strategies, and community strategies. Internet connections to many web sites with fathering information are provided. |