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Rethink Answers
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Section 1: Stress and Coping

1 Cataclysmic stressors are strong stressors that occur suddenly and affect many people. They produce less stress in the long run because they have a clear resolution. Social support, the sharing of the event with others, helps reduce stress because there are others who know how you are feeling.

2. To avoid stress people can be trained to identify and manage their emotions in the face of stress by getting support or reframing the situation to identify any positive aspects of a situation. People can develop strategies or plans of action to deal with stress such as planning, anticipating problems, and having pre-planned solutions.

Section 2: Psychological Aspects of Illness and Well-Being

4. The United States is a highly competitive society. Person's who are aggressive and have drive in their personal and professional life are regarded positively; they can also be aggressive and hostile when things don't go their way. Our democratic society focuses largely on the success of the individual whereas other cultures focus on cooperation and the success of the community.

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