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Learning Objectives
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Sensing the World Around Us
  1. Define sensation, perception, stimulus, and psychophysics. (pp. 76-77)
  2. Distinguish between absolute threshold, just noticeable difference, and sensory adaptation. (pp. 77-78)

Vision: Shedding Light on the Eye
  1. Describe the structural components of the eye, the initial processing of light, and adaptation to different light levels. (pp. 80-82)
  2. Discuss how an image is conveyed from the eye to the brain, and the role of feature detection in processing visual information. (pp. 82-84)
  3. Explain the trichromatic and opponent-process theories and how they account for color vision. (pp. 84-86)

Hearing and the Other Senses
  1. Describe the structural parts of the ear, the role of each part in detecting sound, and the basic physical properties of sound. (pp. 88-91)
  2. Distinguish between the place theory and the frequency theory of hearing. (pp. 91-93)
  3. Explain how semicircular canals detect motion and produce the sense of balance. (p. 93)
  4. Describe the sensory mechanisms of smell and taste. (pp. 93-94)
  5. Describe the skin senses of touch, pressure, and temperature, and explain the gate-control theory of pain. (pp. 94-97)

Perceptual Organization: Constructing Our View of the World
  1. Distinguish perception from sensation. (p. 98)
  2. Distinguish between the gestalt approach and feature analysis. (pp. 98-102)
  3. Distinguish between top-down and bottom-up processing. (pp. 102-103)
  4. Explain perceptual constancy, depth perception, and motion perception. (pp. 103-105)
  5. Describe and illustrate the major perceptual illusions, especially the Müller-Lyer illusion. (pp. 105-107)
  6. Discuss the evidence for the existence of subliminal perception and extrasensory perception. (pp. 107-108)

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