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Rethink Answers
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Section 1: Classical Conditioning

2. It is unlikely that Watson's subject went through life afraid of Santa Claus. After the experiment:

  • the conditioned response was no longer reinforced.
  • the subject probably had future experiences that involved white furry objects that were not fearful.
  • the longer the CR was present without the CS the less likely would be the conditioning; this is called extinction.

Section 2: Operant Conditioning

3. The habits of smoking and unhealthy eating can be changed by operant conditioning that would require:

  • First identifying the specific behavior to be changed.
  • Next, a reward has to be identified that will reinforce the new behavior (not smoking, healthy eating).
  • Finally, reinforcement schedules must be designed to increase the probability that the new behavior will occur.

4. Superstitious behavior could be "cured" by helping the subject (cognitively) become aware that there was no connection between two events or by demonstration that there is no cause-effect pattern to their behavior.

Unless the behavior interferes with a person's ability to function in a given situation it may continue. It may even be beneficial to continue because it gives the student or athlete a sense of confidence and may reduce the stress of the performance; therefore giving them the extra edge in a demanding situation.

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