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Multiple Choice Quiz I
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As compared with experiments done in psychological laboratories, experiments done in natural settings are likely to have
A)fewer problems in exerting experimental control.
B)about the same number of problems in exerting experimental control.
C)more problems in exerting experimental control.

Research done in natural settings is
A)more likely to involve applied research than basic research.
B)equally likely to involve applied research or basic research.
C)more likely to involve basic research than applied research.

Which of the following threats to internal validity arises when an event other than the treatment produces a change in participants’ behavior?

Which of the following threats to internal validity arises when participants are selected for treatment because they score particularly high on a less than perfectly reliable test?

Which of the following threats to internal validity arises when participants in one group develop at a faster rate than participants in another group?
A)additive effect of selection and testing
B)additive effect of selection and history
C)additive effect of selection and maturation
D)additive effect of selection and instrumentation

When there is communication between the groups in a true experiment or in a quasi-experiment, which of the following threats to internal validity could occur?
A)Hawthorne effects
B)demand characteristics
C)regression effects
D)contamination effects

Which of the following quasi-experimental designs involves the comparison of a control and a treatment group that have been established on some basis other than random assignment with both groups given only a pretest and a posttest?
A)simple time-series design
B)nonequivalent control group design
C)time-series design with a nonequivalent control group
D)pre-post nonmatched groups design

Program evaluation is used to assess all but which of the following?
A)needs of administrators
B)how a program is implemented
C)whether a program meets its stated goals
D)whether a program is cost-effective

Which type of program evaluation is most likely to make use of survey methods?
A)assessment of needs
B)outcome evaluation
C)process evaluation
D)program planning

In order to make decisions about whether to continue a program, administrators need information about the program’s
A)needs and process.
B)needs and outcome.
C)process and outcome.
D)outcome and efficiency.

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