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Multiple Choice Quiz II
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Which of the following is the factor researchers manipulate so it is the only factor allowed to vary systematically in an experiment?
A)dependent variable
B)independent variable
C)internal validity
D)external validity

Which of the following is not one of the conditions that must be met in order to state confidently that the independent variable caused differences between groups in the dependent variable?
A)establishing a covariation between the independent and dependent variables
B)establishing a time-order relationship such that the change in the independent variable preceded the change in the dependent variable
C)eliminating plausible alternative explanations for the differences in the dependent variable
D)establishing that the independent variable is the only factor that could ever cause a change in the dependent variable

When two confidence intervals for two means obtained in an experiment overlap, the researcher can conclude that
A)the results for the effect of the independent variable will likely be replicated.
B)the independent variable did not have an effect.
C)the results for the effect of the independent variable are inconclusive.
D)the independent variable did have an effect.

One approach to the use of inferential statistics to decide whether an independent variable has a reliable effect on the dependent variable begins by assuming that the independent variable had no effect. This approach is called
A)null hypothesis testing.
B)alpha hypothesis testing.
C)statistical error testing.
D)significance level testing.

The goal of random assignment to experimental conditions is to
A)select different levels of a natural groups variable.
B)balance individual differences variables across conditions.
C)make sure the dependent variable does not differ across conditions.
D)hold conditions constant across conditions.

One of the advantages of the measure of effect size is that it
A)indicates statistical significance.
B)requires no calculations.
C)relies on clinical judgment to determine significance.
D)is independent of sample size.

Which of the following provides a quantitative summary of the results of more than one experiment on an important research problem?

When a researcher claims that an independent variable has a statistically significant effect when the null hypothesis is really true, a_________ has occurred.
A)Type I error
B)Type II error
C)experimenter effect
D)demand characteristic

When using a natural groups design, researchers must
A)use an appropriate matching task.
B)not compute an effect size.
C)avoid making a causal inference about the effect of the variable.
D)use block randomization to the conditions of the individual differences variable.

The best way to demonstrate that an effect of an independent variable is reliable is through
A)statistical significance testing.
B)computing an effect size.
C)random assignment to conditions.

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