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Multiple Choice Quiz II
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A researcher examines whether there are differences between musicians and non-musicians in their ability to remember simple and complex music passages. The design of this experiment is a
A)2 X 2 complex design.
B)natural groups design.
C)correlational design.
D)2 X 2 X 2 complex design.

The overall effect of one independent variable in a complex design is called a(n)
A)omnibus effect.
B)main effect.
C)singular effect.
D)independent effect.

In a graph of a complex design, the dependent variable is represented
A)on the x-axis (horizontal or abscissa).
B)on the y-axis (vertical or ordinate).
C)by multiple lines within the space of the graph.
D)using multiple graphs.

Which of the following patterns indicates that there has been no interaction in a complex design experiment when the results are plotted in a line graph?
A)when the lines are parallel
B)when the lines intersect forming a crossing pattern
C)when the lines start out apart and converge to the same point
D)when the lines start out at the same point and diverge from each other

A researcher tests two types of study methods (A and B) with students who are high or low in test anxiety. The results indicate that performance for the two groups of students is the same when study method A is used, and that low test-anxious students perform better with study method B than high test-anxious students. These results indicate that the most important effect in the analysis of this experiment is __
A)a main effect of study method.
B)a main effect of test anxiety.
C)an interaction between study method and test anxiety.
D)all of the above.

The interpretation of an interaction may be limited when this problem in measurement occurs:
A)ceiling or floor effect.
B)nonparallel lines.
C)simple main effect.
D)highly reliable measurement of the dependent variable.

When no interaction occurs in a complex design experiment involving two independent variables, the
A)effects of each independent variable must be interpreted differently because of the absence of an interaction.
B)effects of each independent variable can be generalized across the levels of the other independent variable.
C)internal validity of each independent variable is increased.
D)sensitivity of the overall experiment is decreased.

Which of the following is one of the critical steps researchers should follow when they want to draw causal inferences based on the natural groups design?
A)Demonstrate in a complex design experiment a main effect of the individual differences variable of interest and a main effect of a manipulated independent variable.
B)Identify a second individual differences variable that is correlated with the individual differences variable of interest to the researcher.
C)Demonstrate in a complex design experiment an interaction involving the individual differences variable of interest and a second individual differences variable.
D)Develop a theory explaining why a difference in performance should occur between groups differentiated using the individual differences variable of interest.

In a 2 X 2 complex design, one independent variable was shown not to have a statistically significant main effect on the dependent variable. Based on this, we can state that
A)it is not a relevant independent variable.
B)the independent variable has external validity.
C)for the variable to be considered relevant in this experiment, it must interact with the second independent variable.
D)the variable will definitely interact with the second independent variable in this experiment.

Which statistical effects are present in the following complex design involving a hypothetical scenario about a potential dating partner? The dependent variable is participants’ romantic interest in the potential dating partner. [Assume all nonzero differences are statistically significant.]

 Potential Dating Partner
 Interested in Participant  Interested in Friend  
Dating    Dater1014
StatusNondater    84
A)a main effect of Dating Status
B)a main effect of Potential Dating Partner
C)an interaction between Dating Status and Potential Dating Partner
D)both main effects but not the interaction effect
E)one main effect and the interaction effect
F)both main effects and the interaction effect

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