1 |  |  An elderly man with normal vision develops cataracts. He is surgically treated by removing the lenses of his eyes. What kind of glasses would you recommend he wear to compensate for the removal of his lenses? |
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2 |  |  Some animals have a reflective area in the choroid called the tapetum lucidum. Light entering the eye is reflected back instead of being absorbed by the choroid. What would be the advantage of this arrangement? The disadvantage? |
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3 |  |  Perhaps you have heard someone say that eating carrots is good for the eyes. What is the basis for this claim? |
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4 |  |  A man stares at a black clock on a white wall for several minutes. Then he shifts his view and looks at only the blank white wall. Although he is no longer looking at the clock, he sees a light clock against a dark background. Explain what happened. |
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5 |  |  Describe the results of a lesion of the optic chiasm. |
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6 |  |  Persistent exposure to loud noise can cause loss of hearing, especially for high-frequency sounds. What part of the ear is probably damaged? Be as specific as possible. |
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7 |  |  Professional divers are subject to increased pressure as they descend to the bottom of the ocean. Sometimes this pressure can lead to damage to the ear and loss of hearing. Describe the normal mechanisms that adjust for changes in pressure, suggest some conditions that might interfere with pressure adjustment, and explain how the increased pressure might cause loss of hearing. |
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8 |  |  If a vibrating tuning fork is placed against the mastoid process of the temporal bone, the vibrations are perceived as sound, even if the external auditory meatus is plugged. Explain how this could happen. |
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