1 |  |  Consider a hormone that is secreted in large amounts at a given interval, modified chemically by the liver, and excreted by the kidney at a rapid rate, thus making the half-life of the hormone in the circulatory system very short. The hormone therefore rapidly increases in the blood and then decreases rapidly. Predict the consequences of liver and kidney disease on the blood levels of that hormone. |
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2 |  |  Consider a hormone that controls the concentration of some substance in the circulatory system. If a tumor begins to produce that substance in large amounts in an uncontrolled fashion, predict the effect on the secretion rate for the hormone. |
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3 |  |  How could you determine whether or not a hormone-mediated response resulted from the intracellular mediator mechanism or the intracellular receptor mechanism? |
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4 |  |  If the effect of a hormone on a target tissue is through a membrane bound receptor that has a G protein associated with it, predict the consequences if a genetic disease causes the α subunit of the G protein to have a structure that prevents it from binding to GTP. |
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5 |  |  Prostaglandins are a group of hormones produced by many cells of the body. Unlike other hormones, they don’t circulate but usually have their effect at or very near their site of production. Prostaglandins apparently affect many body functions, including blood pressure, inflammation, induction of labor, vomiting, fever, and inhibition of the clotting process. Prostaglandins also influence the formation of cAMP. Explain how an inhibitor of prostaglandin synthesis could be used as a therapeutic agent. Inhibitors of prostaglandin synthesis can produce side effects. Why? |
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6 |  |  For a hormone that binds to a membrane-bound receptor and has cAMP as the intracellular mediator, predict and explain the consequences if a drug is taken that strongly inhibits phosphodiesterase. |
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7 |  |  When an individual is confronted with a potentially harmful or dangerous situation, epinephrine (adrenaline) is released from the adrenal gland. Epinephrine prepares the body for action by increasing the heart rate and blood glucose levels. Explain the advantages or disadvantages associated with a short half-life for epinephrine and those associated with a long half-life. |
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8 |  |  Thyroid hormones are important in regulating the basal metabolic rate of the body. What are the advantages or disadvantages of
- a long half-life for thyroid hormones?
- a short half-life?
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9 |  |  An increase in thyroid hormones causes an increase in metabolic rate. If liver disease results in reduced production of the plasma proteins to which thyroid hormones normally bind, what is the effect on metabolic rate? Explain. |
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10 |  |  Predict the effect on LH and FSH secretion if a small tumor in the hypothalamus of the brain secretes large concentrations of GnRH continuously. Given that LH and FSH regulate the function of the male and female reproductive systems, predict whether the condition increases or decreases the activity of these systems. |
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11 |  |  Insulin levels normally change in order to maintain normal blood sugar levels, despite periodic fluctuations in sugar intake. A constant supply of insulin from a skin patch might result in insulin levels that are too low when blood sugar levels are high (after a meal) and might be too high when blood sugar levels are low (between meals). In addition, insulin is a protein hormone that would not readily diffuse through the lipid barrier of the skin (see chapter 5). Estrogen is a lipid soluble steroid hormone. |
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