1 |  |  The nasal cavity |
|  | A) | has openings for the paranasal sinuses. |
|  | B) | has a vestibule, which contains the olfactory epithelium. |
|  | C) | is connected to the pharynx by the nares. |
|  | D) | has passageways called conchae. |
|  | E) | is lined with squamous epithelium, except for the vestibule. |
2 |  |  The nasopharynx |
|  | A) | is lined with moist stratified squamous epithelium. |
|  | B) | contains the pharyngeal tonsil. |
|  | C) | opens into the oral cavity through the fauces. |
|  | D) | extends to the tip of the epiglottis. |
|  | E) | is an area that food, drink, and air pass through. |
3 |  |  The larynx |
|  | A) | connects the oropharynx to the trachea. |
|  | B) | has three unpaired and six paired cartilages. |
|  | C) | contains the vocal folds. |
|  | D) | contains the vestibular folds. |
|  | E) | all of the above. |
4 |  |  The trachea contains |
|  | A) | skeletal muscle. |
|  | B) | pleural fluid glands. |
|  | C) | C-shaped pieces of cartilage. |
|  | D) | all of the above. |
5 |  |  The conducting zone of the tracheobronchial tree ends at the |
|  | A) | alveolar duct. |
|  | B) | alveoli. |
|  | C) | bronchioles. |
|  | D) | respiratory bronchioles. |
|  | E) | terminal bronchioles. |
6 |  |  During an asthma attack, the patient has difficulty breathing because of constriction of the |
|  | A) | trachea. |
|  | B) | bronchi. |
|  | C) | terminal bronchioles. |
|  | D) | alveoli. |
|  | E) | respiratory membrane. |
7 |  |  During quiet expiration, the |
|  | A) | abdominal muscles relax. |
|  | B) | diaphragm moves inferiorly. |
|  | C) | external intercostal muscles contract. |
|  | D) | thorax and lungs passively recoil. |
|  | E) | all of the above. |
8 |  |  The parietal pleura |
|  | A) | covers the surface of the lung. |
|  | B) | covers the inner surface of the thoracic cavity. |
|  | C) | is the connective tissue partition that divides the thoracic cavity into right and left pleural cavities. |
|  | D) | covers the inner surface of the alveoli. |
|  | E) | is the membrane across which gas exchange occurs. |
9 |  |  Contraction of the bronchiolar smooth muscle has which of these effects? |
|  | A) | a smaller pressure gradient is required to get the same rate of airflow when compared to normal bronchioles |
|  | B) | increases airflow through the bronchioles |
|  | C) | increases resistance to airflow |
|  | D) | increases alveolar ventilation |
10 |  |  During the process of expiration, the alveolar pressure is |
|  | A) | greater than the pleural pressure. |
|  | B) | greater than the barometric pressure. |
|  | C) | less than the barometric pressure. |
|  | D) | unchanged. |
11 |  |  The lungs do not normally collapse because of |
|  | A) | surfactant. |
|  | B) | pleural pressure. |
|  | C) | elastic recoil. |
|  | D) | both a and b. |
12 |  |  Immediately after the creation of an opening through the thorax into the pleural cavity, |
|  | A) | air flows through the hole and into the pleural cavity. |
|  | B) | air flows through the hole and out of the pleural cavity. |
|  | C) | air flows neither out nor in. |
|  | D) | the lung protrudes through the hole. |
13 |  |  Compliance of the lungs and thorax |
|  | A) | is the volume by which the lungs and thorax change for each unit change of alveolar pressure. |
|  | B) | increases in emphysema. |
|  | C) | decreases because of lack of surfactant. |
|  | D) | all of the above. |
14 |  |  Given these lung volumes:
1. tidal volume = 500 mL
2. residual volume = 1000 mL
3. inspiratory reserve volume = 2500 mL
4. expiratory reserve volume = 1000 mL
5. dead space = 1000 mL
The vital capacity is |
|  | A) | 3000 mL. |
|  | B) | 3500 mL. |
|  | C) | 4000 mL. |
|  | D) | 5000 mL. |
|  | E) | 6000 mL. |
15 |  |  The alveolar ventilation is the |
|  | A) | tidal volume times respiratory rate. |
|  | B) | minute ventilation plus the dead space. |
|  | C) | amount of air available for gas exchange in the lungs. |
|  | D) | vital capacity divided by respiratory rate. |
|  | E) | inspiratory reserve volume times minute ventilation. |
16 |  |  If the total pressure of a gas is 760 mm Hg and its composition is 20% oxygen, 0.04% carbon dioxide, 75% nitrogen, and 5% water vapor, the partial pressure of oxygen is |
|  | A) | 15.2 mm Hg. |
|  | B) | 20 mm Hg. |
|  | C) | 118 mm Hg. |
|  | D) | 152 mm Hg. |
|  | E) | 740 mm Hg. |
17 |  |  The rate of diffusion of a gas across the respiratory membrane increases as the |
|  | A) | respiratory membrane becomes thicker. |
|  | B) | surface area of the respiratory membrane decreases. |
|  | C) | partial pressure difference of the gas across the respiratory membrane increases. |
|  | D) | diffusion coefficient of the gas decreases. |
|  | E) | all of the above. |
18 |  |  In which of these sequences does PO2 progressively decrease? |
|  | A) | arterial blood, alveolar air, body tissues |
|  | B) | body tissues, arterial blood, alveolar air |
|  | C) | body tissues, alveolar air, arterial blood |
|  | D) | alveolar air, arterial blood, body tissues |
|  | E) | arterial blood, body tissues, alveolar air |
19 |  |  The partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the venous blood is |
|  | A) | greater than in the tissue spaces. |
|  | B) | less than in the tissue spaces. |
|  | C) | less than in the alveoli. |
|  | D) | less than in arterial blood. |
20 |  |  Oxygen is mostly transported in the blood |
|  | A) | dissolved in plasma. |
|  | B) | bound to blood proteins. |
|  | C) | within HCO3-. |
|  | D) | bound to the heme portion of hemoglobin. |
21 |  |  The oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve is adaptive because it |
|  | A) | shifts to the right in the pulmonary capillaries and to the left in the tissue capillaries. |
|  | B) | shifts to the left in the pulmonary capillaries and to the right in the tissue capillaries. |
|  | C) | doesn't shift. |
22 |  |  Carbon dioxide is mostly transported in the blood |
|  | A) | dissolved in plasma. |
|  | B) | bound to blood proteins. |
|  | C) | within HCO3-. |
|  | D) | bound to the heme portion of hemoglobin. |
|  | E) | bound to the globin portion of hemoglobin. |
23 |  |  When blood passes through the tissues, the hemoglobin in blood is better able to combine with carbon dioxide because of the |
|  | A) | Bohr effect. |
|  | B) | Haldane effect. |
|  | C) | chloride shift. |
|  | D) | Boyle effect. |
|  | E) | Dalton effect. |
24 |  |  The chloride shift |
|  | A) | occurs primarily in pulmonary capillaries. |
|  | B) | occurs when Cl- replace HCO3- within red blood cells. |
|  | C) | decreases the formation of bicarbonate ions. |
|  | D) | decreases the number of hydrogen ions. |
25 |  |  Which of these parts of the brainstem is correctly matched with its main function? |
|  | A) | ventral respiratory groupsstimulate the diaphragm |
|  | B) | dorsal respiratory groupslimit inflation of the lungs |
|  | C) | pontine respiratory groupswitching between inspiration and expiration |
|  | D) | all of the above |
26 |  |  The chemosensitive area |
|  | A) | stimulates the respiratory center when blood carbon dioxide levels increase. |
|  | B) | stimulates the respiratory center when blood pH increases. |
|  | C) | is located in the pons. |
|  | D) | stimulates the respiratory center when blood oxygen levels increase. |
|  | E) | all of the above. |
27 |  |  Blood oxygen levels |
|  | A) | are more important than carbon dioxide in the regulation of respiration. |
|  | B) | need to change only slightly to cause a change in respiration. |
|  | C) | are detected by sensory receptors in the carotid and aortic bodies. |
|  | D) | all of the above. |
28 |  |  The Hering-Breuer reflex |
|  | A) | limits inspiration. |
|  | B) | limits expiration. |
|  | C) | occurs in response to changes in carbon dioxide levels in the blood. |
|  | D) | is stimulated when oxygen decreases in the blood. |
|  | E) | does not occur in infants. |
29 |  |  At the onset of exercise, respiration rate and depth increases primarily because of |
|  | A) | increased blood carbon dioxide levels. |
|  | B) | decreased blood oxygen levels. |
|  | C) | decreased blood pH. |
|  | D) | input to the respiratory center from the cerebral motor cortex and proprioceptors. |
30 |  |  In response to exercise training, |
|  | A) | the tidal volume at rest does not change. |
|  | B) | minute ventilation during maximal exercise increases. |
|  | C) | the brain learns to match ventilation to exercise intensity. |
|  | D) | all of the above. |